How does your drs. in your workplace treat the foreign nurses?

Nurses General Nursing


hello everyone, just wanna ask how the drs. treat the foreign nurses? are they considerate especially to nurses who dont have much experience? do they speak in frankness? i asked this questions coz maybe someday i might wanna work in other countries so at least i have ideas how to take criticisms as well as other cultures. thanks for those who will reply.

Specializes in Palliative Care, NICU/NNP.

No one can answer that for you.

It doesn't much matter to the docs I know where a nurse is from, as much as the competence level. They know that inexperienced nurses need experience, so as long as you know the basics and show promise, they are not hard on you.

No one can answer that for you.

Why not? Why can't we answer based on what we see?

i just need answers according to experience or observations.


Sometimes a new nurse with a strong foreign accent will be met with a lot of "huh?" "what did you say?" Other than that I never saw any problems. So I guess that would be something to work on.

Specializes in Critical Care.

A number of the doc's I work with are from different countries (currently India, Philippines, Nigeria to name a few) themselves. They also have issues with having their accent understood and are very patient. Being from another country is not a problem here. But like Tazzi said, competency can be. If it's just a matter of learning the specifics of an individual hospital, no problem. If someone is generally not experienced enough to be in critical care, problem, no matter where they come from.

I have noticed that the docs are just as rude as usual or just as nice as usual to foreign nurses. I have not seen any difference in treatment personally.


Specializes in ER/Geriatrics.

Deleted post this referred to as it's been removed.

I have noticed in some hospitals that some of the foreign nurses band to together to protect one another. They demand respect. In fact, some of the doctors are careful not to offend them, They are afraid they might not get backup when they need it.

{{{first year}}}

I knew what you meant.

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