Hi Guys, I’m a 25 year old nurse . I’ve worked in the operating room for 2 years and now I’m in the ICU. I’ve always had joint pain because of a few injuries in my early 20’s but over time developed chronic fatigue . After getting covid , I’ve been more tired that ever . I’ve just started in the ICU and though I’m tired I’m doing pretty okay but I’m on day shift . I want to succeed so bad and do well. I want to study on my days off but my body is always so exhausted . It’s like charging a phone and for long periods of times only to return and find that it’s still at 60%.
Does anyone else deal with chronic fatigue as a nurse ? How do you deal with it ? It’s so draining and I feel like I reserve all my energy for work only and nothing else . I try to eat well , and I want to work out but I’m so exhausted all the time .