How to check Florida Board of Nursing if you passed


Hi everyone! I would like to ask for people who applied for Florida Board of Nursing how they checked if they passed or fail? I took my NCLEX RN exam today and I want to find out if it says I passed or failed on their website.I took my 1st attempt last yr and the results are still there when I open it before. Now I want to check it and how would I know if the one placed there is the current result? Does it have a date? I just don't want to freak out and maybe I just have the old results..Thanks so much!

Specializes in Med Surg, PCU, Travel.

I believe To check exam result you go to

If it's official it should show up on this website

Healthcare Practitioner License Search

search your name or whatever info is required

Dates are normally not there in the first website search. you should see both past and current results no dates, this is just based on what I know, I'm just a CNA not RN. On the license search website if your name is there, it should have your license number which means your passed its more official that the first website.

Good luck.

I believe To check exam result you go to

If it's official it should show up on this website

Healthcare Practitioner License Search

search your name or whatever info is required

Dates are normally not there in the first website search. you should see both past and current results no dates, this is just based on what I know, I'm just a CNA not RN. On the license search website if your name is there, it should have your license number which means your passed its more official that the first website.

Good luck.

thank you for the reply..What I did is logged in same as before and it just showed there..I know then because the results are in bold letter"overall examination status": Pass..:up:
Specializes in ER, Med-surg.

How long does it usually take the Florida BON to show your results. I've sen on this site that it's 24 hours for most people. Is that about right? How long did it take you to get your results? The letter I got from them says 7-10 days. I'm on pins and needles. I want my official results already!:nailbiting:

Specializes in ER, Med-surg.

Ok, for anybody else applying in Florida it is about 24 hours (mine was like 25 hours, yes I counted every second!) from the date of NCLEX that they update their test results page, at least during weekdays. If you call the BON you could get your license number and expiration date before they post it to the BON provider page online. I was told my name should be on the provider page tomorrow, 48 hours after NCLEX. If you live in Florida you don't even need to pay for quick results! I love it!

What I remember was I took it May 8 at 11:30 am and finished the exam at 2 pm then I got the results at board of nursing the following day when I woke up, I checked their site right away. That was around 10 says pass then at night time on May 9, i saw my license number already :) How's your results WannaBNursey?:)

Specializes in ER, Med-surg.
What I remember was I took it May 8 at 11:30 am and finished the exam at 2 pm then I got the results at board of nursing the following day when I woke up, I checked their site right away. That was around 10 says pass then at night time on May 9, i saw my license number already :) How's your results WannaBNursey?:)
I passed! I took my exam May 15th at 8am, got my results on the Florida test page thing on May 16th at 9am and called them to see when my license would be put online and found out my license number. It was posted online May 17th at 9am. :D
Specializes in Med Surg, PCU, Travel.

Just to change the topic slightly, you guys who passed did your school suggest any review courses and did it help? I signed up for NSNA Delmar review which also have computer adaptive testing, like the nclex

I passed! I took my exam May 15th at 8am, got my results on the Florida test page thing on May 16th at 9am and called them to see when my license would be put online and found out my license number. It was posted online May 17th at 9am. :D
Congratulations WannaBNursey!!
Just to change the topic slightly, you guys who passed did your school suggest any review courses and did it help? I signed up for NSNA Delmar review which also have computer adaptive testing, like the nclex

hi there! I'm not familiar with your review but that sounds great, it has computer adaptive testing like the nclex. As for me, I focused on understanding the content which is the backbone of all of these then you have to practice your critical thinking skills by answering questions. I was enrolled at Kaplan before..but it is helpful if you mastered your content first :)

I believe To check exam result you go to

If it's official it should show up on this website

Healthcare Practitioner License Search

search your name or whatever info is required

Dates are normally not there in the first website search. you should see both past and current results no dates, this is just based on what I know, I'm just a CNA not RN. On the license search website if your name is there, it should have your license number which means your passed its more official that the first website.

Good luck.

You are not "just" a CNA! Sorry...had to throw that out there, lol. I've been a very hard-working CNA and will continue to appreciate the crap they deal with every day (literally).

On another note, in FL.. you can check here:


I've been looking since I took the nclex Saturday.

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