How can I study better for NCLEX _RN

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi everyone,

I took my NCLEX -RN 2 weeks ago;failed again 2nd time with 75 questions. I get so much... anxiety during week of exam. How well I have to practice anwering questions. (how much I should do each day). I have 5 weeks for next board. I want to pass this time. Which is the best review book. Please help me & give me some advice soon. Thank you.Pleas help me................:cry:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Do not rush to resit the exam, prepare properly. Look at which resource book works for you and practice questions and read the rationales. I would say aim for 100/150 questions a day and make yourself protected study time.

Specializes in Gerontology & Med/Surge.

Don't rush it for the 3rd time. Review all the material once. Make sure you know how to priorotize, precautions, and meds. Make sure you know how to do the questions, and only way to do that is by a lots of practice. I think a the minimum 3000 questions. Dont worry if you get them right or wrong, just do them and go through the rationale. Good luck.

I agree with the previous posts. I failed the exam twice and suppose to take it for the third time on Nov 1 but i rescheduled more than 3 times and decide to take it last week. I was discouraged but 2 weeks before the exams, I changed my attitude: from negative to a positive one. I prayed and trust me I didnt do more than 600 questions. I had kaplan before but I focus on infections control, endocrine, med, delegation and some of my weaknesses and read all "the random facts throwing (4 days before the test). I had 75 questions, 1hrs 45 minutes and believe me I knew that I passed the test which I failed twice before.

See your weaknesses, correct them and PUT in your mind that this is going to be my first try (not my third one) and I'm going to pass. Pray also. God really helps me. I didnt study enough to pass. God gaves me questions for stuffs I knew ( basis questions ). Thanks to Him.

My main advice is to collect your self ( don't tell many people about the day you are going to take the test) and BE POSITIVE. First try has the highest passing rate, put yourself in. You will do fine.

As long as you are persistent you will pass. Best of luck on your next test.

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