Published Jul 10, 2015
29 Posts
Hi, I'm pretty sure that this question has been up already and I am sorry for asking it again for the nth time. Anyway, I am a Filipino citizen who just passed the local board exam. I am planning to work in Texas or California(if ever I get lucky even if I know its hard to get in). I am a US tourist visa holder. So my questions are:
1. What are the qualifications needed to take the Nclex.
2. Can I take the Nclex even if I'm in the States for vacation? If so, what documents are needed?
3. Do I need at least 2 years experience in the Philippines before applying for Nclex?
4. Should I take the CGFNS and IELTS/TOEFL first before applying for Nclex?
5. Oh and is it really hard to get in California?
6. How do I get the SS# and ATT?
Thanks in advance.
421 Posts
That should answer your questions.
You could also call ncsbn and ask them your remaining questions that aren't answered through that link.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
You don't apply for the NCLEX. You apply for a nursing license by examination as an internationally educated nurse. TX uses CGFNS. CA does not. The respective website for the board of nursing has explicit instructions how to apply for a nursing license by examination as an internationally educated nurse. If your credentials & education meet state standards you will be instructed to register with Pearson Vue to pay & schedule the NCLEX. You do not need to come to the U.S. to take the NCLEX. Do you have work rights in the U.S.? It's very difficult to obtain a work visa as an inexperienced new grad internationally educated nurse, especially in CA where U.S. educated new grad nurses have an up to 40% unemployment rate.
You are not entitled to get a SSN unless you are a U.S. Citizen , legal permanent resident or have a valid work visa.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
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