Published Aug 1, 2010
30 Posts
Hey, I'm going to HCC this year and transferring in a year worth of classes from another University. The ones that can go thro are Mirco (got a C), Intro to Psy (got a C), Both englishes (B and B+).
I haven't applied for the program and I missed the deadline (AUG 1st). (I still couldn't apply since I did not go to the session and the orientation [are there two of them? I thought you only need to go to the session not the orientation] did not test out of intermediate alegbra yet, took BIOL 1406 General Biology, BIOL 2401 A/P I yet. )
Thus, I am applying for the fall semester of 2011. While waiting for that, I plan to take in the first semester:
BIOL 1406 Gen Bio
PSYC 2301 Intro to Psy (trying to get an A)
BIOL 2420 Mirco (trying to get an A)
SPCH #3##
total: 14 hrs (full time)
In the 2ed semester:
BIOL 2401 A/P I
PSYC 2314 Human Growth / Development Life Span
(I heard my Spanish I (got a C) and II (working on it now, looking like a B) [both 4 hrs] can take Humanities/Fine Arts Elective [3hr])
total is 7 hrs IF the Humanities/FineArts counts
[However, I want to be a full time student for the 2ed semester, any suggestions? and I don't know if taking A/PII at the same time as A/P I is a good idea]
plan to take HESI during the 2ed semester to take Pharm and A/P II during the summer too.
then hopefully in 2012 fall I can be at Coleman HCC doing the rest of the RNSG classes
Is this all possible?
Also, is it true that if you aren't a full time student throughout your whole college career, you can not get fin aid? Since my 2ed semester is not 12 hrs, I do not know what to do.
Please Help. The people I've asked at HCC and emailed at Coleman couldn't help me.
I also can not go to the meeting until after my summer session is done.
D: no one knows anything?
14 Posts
Well, it is pretty complicated getting into HCC. It took me two years to get all my prereqs done and all the other stuff they make you do. I am just now to the point where I can apply- waiting to hear if i got in for the fall.
The Aug deadline was for Spring 2011 so the earliest you could attend would be Fall of 2011. You only have to go to one information session. This is where you will get all of your specific questions asked. My advice to and reread all of the inforamtion they have online as far as applying. After you have your prereqs then they will let you take the hesi. After that then you can apply to take pharmacology- weird, I know. After they give you "permission" to take pharmacology and you pass then you have to take a dosage calculation test- I thought this was a little difficult. THen once you pass with a 90 you can apply.
Also, keep in mind that it takes several months to finish your hep b vaccine series so might as well start that asap to get it out of the way.
Hope this helps a little.
From what I'm seeing, it'll take me about a year if I get B/As on all my classes,
so no orientation what so ever? just the info meeting?
I know the earliest I can attend is the FALL of 2011 so i got that down.
the information. that one's a little tricky. i keep getting ones about health techs instead of nursing AD.
cant I take the hesi this fall of 2010?
and how do i study for the dosage calculation test if it's a bit harder then the HESI?
Also, are you still in town? I would like to know if i can contact you whenever I need questions. I've been trying to find people who are int his program currently, (the ones I keep finding never was a part of this program, never took a hesi test, or transferred out) I plan to go to the info meeting after the summer session (so next month).
also, any tips and advice with classes and teachers?
btw, good luck, they better accept you, its almost the start of the main school year
also, for the info session, do you have any clue what i need to bring?
So the admission steps are all here:[1].pdf
This is your bible for getting in. You will probably have to attend a second orientation just before you apply next year cause they are only good for one year. I had to attend a second one but it was good cause it refreshes you on all the little stuff they require.
Only take the HESI once they have given you the go ahead. If they still do it they same way then you'll take it at a computer with about a hundred other people at the same time. THe only part that I even studied for was the a/p. Everything else was laughably easy.
As far as the math test(dosage calculations)- i bought a math for nurses book and just did the calculations over and over. I failed it the first time and this set me back a WHOLE semester. There are also abbreviations on it. Like ad lib, ivpg, etc. Be very fluent at calculating IV flow rates and other IV calcs.
I don't really know about any nursing professors as I haven't actually attended. But I did just take Micro at the central location with Dr. Watanabi and I got an A. He's pretty open about what he expects.
You don't need to take anything to the info session. And you only attend an orientation once you have gotten accepted right before you start attending classes.
You can contact me at leighlou333@yahoo. My name is Sheryl.
Really, the first step to all of this is the info session so go asap :)
I just sent you an email. it'll be from suelynn.h@gm
For anyone reading, is taking gen bio and A/P at the same time possible? I need to finish both before the spring sem. apparently...
do you have to take gen bio or can you skip it to a/p I and they'll just count it since it's a higher version of bio?
I've never taken general bio so pretty sure you can skip it :)
i got in! Yay! Class starts in just a couple weeks
I think I might take it at the same time as A/PI, Bio is my worst subject, along with foreign languages