Published Mar 26, 2005
13 Posts
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
The lease should be in the company's name if they are paying for it. But you will have trouble finding an apt with that size dog in many places. Where is your assignment?
2,836 Posts
If the agency can't find you housing that accepts dogs don't go.
Dixielee, BSN, RN
1,222 Posts
I know lots of travelers who travel with dogs. I have 3. But I usually take the housing stipend and find my own place. So far that has not been a problem. You may have to pay an additional pet deposit. Different cities are more dog friendly than others. I am un Tucson now, and apparently you must have a dog to live here! Everyone has a dog. They are allowed in lots of places here too. You are not committed until you sign a contract although if you back out of a verbal, the company just may never use you again. There are good agencies out there who really work to find you exactly what you want, you just may be with the wrong company. I work with RN Network and their attitude is they are working for ME not me working for them. PM me if you want my recruiters info, but I have traveled without a glitch for 5 years with them. Travelling is fun and exciting, it should not be a burden.
Hope you will find a place that allows dogs. Try Good luck
1 Post
hey there, i've been a icu nurse for 16 years just started traveling 4 yrs ago the reason i waited is because i had 2 english mastiffs (150lb each) one passed and i signed on with nurses rx and had absolutely no trouble traveling with my 8 year old remaining mastiff.. first arizona then san diego than palo alto ( i stay about a year at each place some times) pet deposite 500 bucks refundable.. pet rent 20 bucks/mnth.... and iam a hard ass ,my dog is my baby and with my exp i was expecting nice accomadations.. EVERY apartment i have been in has been lovely.. in palo alto they put me in an apt without air conditioning which me nor my dog could tolerate in this heat..... i ******* and got moved by monday...... i have met alot of travelers and 70 % of them ( mostly icu nurses) travel with thier dogs..... good luck u may just need to find the right company but i know over 200 trvelers with dogs of all sizes who go with them everywhere.
Most apts on the Peninsula do not come with air conditioning. You really do not need it with the windows open. This is the first place that I have been in my life where I did not have A/C and it has not been a problem at all.
And I am in a very exclusive complex, but none of the units have air and we do not need it where I am.
2 Posts
Hey Gracie and Dixie,
I am looking at beginning to travel possibly starting in June. I have spoken to RNNetwork, and CrossCountry. I have to say that RNNetwork was by far the most accomodating just to speak to re: traveling with my pets. I have a Great Dane, and 2 parrots that I want to bring. All are kind of loud! The dog is very good, she doesnt chew on things, or make a mess inside. She is really friendly, but she does bark. Loudly. The birds are not really loud for birds, but they might bother some folks. Anyway, I loved hearing what you guys were saying, especially about traveling with the big dog. Thanks. Kim
bagladyrn, RN
2,286 Posts
Hey Gracie and Dixie, I am looking at beginning to travel possibly starting in June. I have spoken to RNNetwork, and CrossCountry. I have to say that RNNetwork was by far the most accomodating just to speak to re: traveling with my pets. I have a Great Dane, and 2 parrots that I want to bring. All are kind of loud! The dog is very good, she doesnt chew on things, or make a mess inside. She is really friendly, but she does bark. Loudly. The birds are not really loud for birds, but they might bother some folks. Anyway, I loved hearing what you guys were saying, especially about traveling with the big dog. Thanks. Kim
You may really need to look into taking housing stipend and finding your own housing in order to assure that you end up in a house rather than an apartment! Two parrots and a barking Great Dane would cause problems in any apartment complex! (Saying this as the day sleeper who has had to deal with some of these noise sources in various places).
As a side note - Cross Country has been finding me housing with my (small) dog for over 11 years now.
875 Posts
I travel with my Golden Retriever, he's about 8o pounds. housing has been problematic for me over time. In part this is because I have chosen to go to smaller areas where housing in general is problematic, but in the end I have always had housing. Goldens are usually well accepted in apartment complexes, that sometimes restrict breeds.
In general what I have done before I agree to even a submission to an area is to search for housing on line. I then give the company a choice of 1-3 apartmetns that accept pets, and they usually give me my first choice.
My last contract the housing was HORRID, and when I looked for something different I couldnt find anything. Finally a friend at the hospital let me live in her house for the last month or so on the contract.
As far as barking. Any dog can be trained not to bark incessantly. My dog had this porblem, and I worked with a trainer. a barking dog that is not just barking at passersby or some stimuli really can be a nusiance.
I would simply tell the company that while you are interested in the assignment, you can not take it unless you have pet housing. One company actually called me once and said, "Well, you'll have to leave your dog home"!!! Oh that was the end of them....
Best Wishes!!! Travel with a Golden is really possible.