48hours quick result on sunday


I took nclex exam last May 5, friday.. will 48hours quick result will work on sunday for new york test-taker?.. thank you..

where did u take the test? hope u will pass. :)

I did it in the Philippines.. i got also a good pop up from PVT.. but i want to know if quick result will work on sunday.. thank you.. how about you?..

ohh i seee! wow congratulations in advance,, hmmm with that im not sure tho.. hmmmm rest assured u pass :)

Thank you but still not believing the pvt until i will see in my 2 naked eyes that i had pass.. thy will be done.. in Jesus name.. í ½í¹í ¼í¿» What about u?,, what is ur story?..thank u

thats okay... update if you do!!:)

well ill be taking mine in a week, i failed twice already. but im confident now although i havent completed my Q-BANK and covered some topics but i still believe it might be my 3rd charm :( huhuhuh

what were ur sources and how many mos did u study?

Preparation takes me almost 10 months but it was on and off because i have full time job.. and there are times i dont study for almost 3wks because im tired and also busy.. i even went for emergency leave because my child was in critical situation..

I used pda by lacharity, illustrated guide for nclex-rn by joanne zerwerck, and uworld..

Goodluck for the exam.. and Godbless.. í ½í¹í ¼í¿»

wow that is hard to balance :) well you deserve a passing result!! thank you also :)

Pvt works.. i passed!.. thank you Lord..

Amazing i hope to absorb your blessing:) congratulations

Congrats on passing! did the illustrated guide for nclex-rn helped you with contents? how did you study.

Can you share tips. Thank you and Congrats on passing!


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