Hospitals paying tuition?


Question: Does hospital pay tuition for nursing student' schooling? If so, how do hospitals do this?

Specializes in LTC.

The hospital I work for offers tuition reimbursement. Before the semester starts you submit what classes you'll be taking and they either approve or deny you. Once the semester is over you send them a transcript showing that you completed and passed the courses and they add the amount for tuition or the max they reimburse to your paycheck.

You still have to take out student loans and stuff, but you are able to pay them back right away.

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

Some did but that has been phased out in the majority of places.

It was typical to pay some uition, in return for the new grad being contracted to work for a certain amount of time, after licensure. However, with the poor economy, that has fallen by the wayside in most places.

Specializes in med/surg/tele/LTC/geriatrics.

Our hospital offers tuition reimbersement. You submit the plan and the proof of payment at the beginning of the semester. At the end of the semester you print out your grades and they will reiberse you. They have a cap of $1500/semester or $3000/year. When I was hired at this job they paid us tuition reimbersement for our previous year of schooling. I took it and had lasik surgery. :D

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.
Question: Does hospital pay tuition for nursing student' schooling? If so, how do hospitals do this?

*** Lots of places have (or very likely had) tuition reimbursement but that is usually just for current employees. Some places, like where I work had a program to pay for a nursing degree. At my hospital it was up to $10,500. The deal was you agreed to work 1.5 hours for each dollar you accepted. This was really a bait and switch recruiting tool. They attracted lots of nurses to a poor area of the state to work in a low paying hospital with substandard benefits with the program and then when they where not short of nurses anymore they immediately canceled the program, leaving many nurses high and dry halfway through their RN to BSN or MSN programs.

My education has been close to free (so far) thanks to tuition reimbursement.

All I have to do is submit proof of my registration, how much it cost and my grades.

The next paycheck I have my money back!

They base it on your grades.

They pay 100% for an A or B and 80% for a C.

Full-time employees get $4000/fiscal year and part-time employees get $2000.

I go to a community college where the tuition is reasonable.

I also was able to apply for a scholarship which required me to be on a committee, have excellent evaluations, have letters of recommendations and write an essay. I got it. Another $2000.

There are places out there that can do this for you but I'm afraid many have had to stop due to this blasted economy.

There is NO requirement for me to work for them when I am done, but I hope to because I know, if this excellent program still exists, they will pay for my bachelor's.

I wish everyone looking for something like this finds it because it has been an absolute BLESSING!!!

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