Hospital Requiring Employees to take H1N1 Vaccine

Nurses General Nursing


Just wanted to get some thoughts on a hospital requiring all employees who have contact with patients to take the H1N1 Vaccine. Thoughts about this being REQUIRED. If an employee refuses, they have to wear a mask for the entire flu season from the moment they walk on hospital grounds until they leave?

Thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


I would love to be able to get the vaccine. It's just the minor little item about anaphalaxis...not breathing is not fun.

addendum: there are no options (including flu mist) for either the seasonal flu or H1N1 that are not cultured in eggs.

I think it's ridiculous! There's laws for every state....know your rights....just like they can't make your kids get their vaccines, it's the same for us adults. Look into your state exemptions. I have a site saved but I'm on my husbands laptop. :/

No, it's not a public school, it's a community college where I take my nursing classes. They have made it pretty clear that we either get the vaccinations or fail our clinicals.

Get a lawyer! I really wish I was on my computer right now, lol. I have a site that breaks down the exemptions in each state. Actually I recently posted the site in another thread regarding the swine can try looking for it in that thread. Bottom line....there's medical, religious or philosophical reasons and each state offers at least one or all of those reasons. They can't make you do it.

One comment on the the first point (I couldn't find the original quote.)

What does being a JW have to do with it? The only thing JWs do not accept is blood. Minor fractions of blood are up for grab. Each individual had to decide if they can or can not. The flu vaccine does not have a fraction in it. The only vaccines that have fractions of blood in them are the ones you recieve after you are exposed to a disease. The flu vaccine isn't one of them. Just a little FYI for you guys. :D

Not sure about this religion but do they not accept blood from other humans? How about animals? The flu vaccine is grown in chick embryos and the flumist is contains chick kidney cells. Just curious if it's ANY blood products.

unemployed vs. unknown side affects. tick, tick...Are you 100% sure it will not have any adverse effects?

I still smell a legal issue. It's too bad you have to drink the kool aid to keep your job. baaaa baaaaa

Exactly I bet the parents of the dead girls that tried out the HPV vaccines are really wishing they didn't allow their daughters to be guinea pigs. Doesn't matter if it's a new vaccine or not....problems and deaths happen even with the old ones.

This relates to another post. The school is simply following the dictates of the facilities where the clinicals are performed=the same problem I have. The school is between a rock & a hard place.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

Quoted from BabyLady : Now....I have all of the vaccines and so does my children, but the hospital can kiss my grits if they think I'm going to take a shot that has been thrown together and has problems during trials and virtually NO trials on the pediatric population.

I would tell the instructors to shove it and that I would be seeking the advice of an attorney of they tried to pull that crap on me when I was in school.

I agree 100% I have no problem taking well tested and proven vaccines, I do have a big problem being injected with what is basically an experimental drug. I have an even bigger problem with schools and employers that require these vaccines of their nursing population yet do not have the same requirements for visitors and other staff.

'm with those who are not for requireing the flu h1n1 flu vaccine. Its alive vaccine unlike the regular flu vaccine and thus the rate of those who will have flu from it is bound to be higher. And might this not be worse than us healthy folks not having it. I even hesitate to suggest that those with pulmonary diseases get it. All this is aside from my feelings that the this is yet another way of the government interferring with health care.And what about those folks who have flu like s/s but not the flu and taking tamiflu?

What are you talking about? The H1N1 injectable is inactivated, only the inhaled versions are live.

Thank you for the voice of reason

Specializes in OR.

The hospital where I work requires the vaccine it protects the patient and employee ... thats how I see it and I also have a daughter to protect who is under the age of 2 so to me its a MUST!

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