What do you think about hospice? Do you think that MDs and nurse practioners abuse the concept of hospice, do you think that in some instance they push for hospice too soon? I always thought that it is extremely difficult to qualify for hospice and it really takes someone to be terminal before getting aproved for those types of services (since all the meds and treatments are covered) I have a patient who is 90 years old, full blown dementia, family took her off antidepressant since they believe the medication is too expensive (around 100 per month), she is also on haldol for agitation and temazepam for sleep, used to be able to bear partial weigth, lately she developed slight knee contracture and is now wheelchair bound, her apetite is ok, healthy heart, healthy kidney and liver, they say they want to make her comfortable,she is not in pain, just agitated due to dementia. Do they mean sedating her?