Published Jun 19, 2009
MystyqueOne, BSN, RN
290 Posts
Hello All,
I am about to start my first class in Nursing school. I have two small children (4 1/2 years and almost 4 months) and am trying to figure out a schedule to accommodate all that needs to be done. This includes family time, school time, study time, homework, etc, etc, etc. My husband does work the graveyard shift, so he is home during the day to help out.
I was wondering what all of your schedules are like on a day to day basis or weekly basis. I am just trying to create a good, well-rounded schedule to make sure I am successful in school, but not totally neglecting my family by doing so.
Please give me a general idea (with clock hours) of what your schedule is like with nursing school/studying/homework/family/and self needs (grooming, sleep, etc.).
Thank You all so much for your time in writing out your schedules so I can get some ideas on making this all work!
266 Posts
All schools are different--even block to block it can change. Right now, our schedule is lecture M&T 8-11 and clinicals W&TH 6:30-2:30. Next block, we have late afternoon classes and the same clinicals. I usually go to school, come home and study a bit. Tuesday is pick our pt. day and preliminary care plan that has to be turned in by midnight. W & TH I go to clinicals--when I come home, it's family time. Friday I'm off and study most of the day or do whatever homework we have. If there is a test coming, F, S and S are study days. I try to have either Sat. or Sun with the family other weeks. My hubby helps a lot. I do all my laundry on Sat. The house isn't as tidy as it used to be and I don't cook as often, but we are all surviving. With a a 4-month old, you will have your hands full. I probably spend 10+ hours per week studying outside of class. It's a lot. There are a few moms with young kids in my class that are doing fine. Best wishes!! I'm sure you will figure out a schedule that works for you.
beth66335, BSN, RN
890 Posts
My kids are older, 16, 15, and 12 and this year they will all get home from school at 4:00. I have class at 9 on M & T, so I will get up and study after they are on the bus at 7:45 til 8:45; I live very close to school. Then I plan on staying after class ends at 2:00 and studying until about 4:30. Then home to have supper with my kids and some family time. My kids go to bed at 9:00 and then I can read or study until 11:00. I don't have class on Wed, so If I don't have a test ( all of our campuses test on Wednesdays) I will probably run errands and grocery shop early in the day until I can go pick up my pt assignment at the hospital for clinicals on Thur & Fri. I don't study on Wed because I have to do a drug list and careplan for clinicals and this takes a long time for me. Usually, we have to be at clinicals at 6:45 so my kids will have to get themselves up and to the bus those days. Thur night is careplan night and Fri is study night or sometimes date night for my husband and I to reconnect. Saturday is family day and I usually study a couple hours that night. Church Sunday morning and read and hopefully a nap Sunday afternoon! My kids aren't as little as yours, but maybe with hubby home during the day you can stay at school around classes a couple hours and then your kids can have your attention when you get home for awhile before they go to bed. Good luck to you!
Thank you so much for your responses! This definitely sounds like it's going to be tough, but I'll just have to pull through it and I know I will!!! Thanks again! I'm waiting to hear more schedules! Thanks.
522 Posts
i don't have a lot of time to answer right now, but i cook on the weekends using a couple of slowcookers and make a couple of casseroles that can be microwave reheated (good saving on electricity if you only use the big oven once a week).
i usually take friday afternoon off, time for meeeeee!!!!
in the cooler months, you can put a load of laundry in before you go to bed and throw in the dryer when you get up. fold when you get home. don't do it during the summer months, they'll sour and then you just have to do it again.
paper plates!! they even have cute ones with little sections that are some animals ears for the kids veggies.
254 Posts
We are on summer break now, but last semester--I had class two days a week, clinicals two days a week. I have one child, he is 3. We send him to daycare Monday-Friday--so I go to class or clinical come home and study until around 4:30, then I go pick up my little boy. We do dinner and bath and all that fun stuff. Unless there is a test, I usually don't study too much on the weekends. I will read/study for about 3 hours during the weekend. I try to use that time as clean my house/family time. If there is an exam coming up I will study the entire weekend, pretty much from the time I get up until dinner time. It really helps having my son in daycare, because it gives me one entire day to do nothing but study. I hope this helps, and you can do it!!
27 Posts
Monday: class 11:30-1:30. Go home type class notes, study 4-5h before hubby gets home so it is QUALITY study time
Tuesday: Clinic at hospital 7-3:30pm, finish all paperwork before leaving hospital. At home review monday lecture info 1-2h after dinner.
Wednesday: same as tuesday
Thursday: Class 11:30-1:30. Go home, type class notes, combine with monday notes, study 2-3h.
Friday: Work 9am-5pm as home care nurse. Dedicate any breaks to reviewing info (not learning anything new, reviewing what I've already learned).
This helps me keep organized, keeps all study time when I'm alone without massive distractions, and when my study time is over, it's OVER and all about family!!
Hope this helps!!
155 Posts
I think a time table would help you. It worked for me. Start using it now so that you can get practice on it. By the time school comes around you won't think of writing things down in your planner as a hassle if you practice it now. My planner goes from 6:30 a.m. to 12 a.m. (I go running in the AM-so your calendar doesn't have to start that early). I know there are alot of posts that suggest a PDA, or other electronic calendar, but that doesn't work for me, it may work for you though, I don't know. I made a spreadsheet. The tasks MUST include EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. It is a good way for you to see how many hours you have in a day & the time you have to do your tasks in. I'm beginning to call my "tasks" "goals" it makes me want to accomplish them more:lol2:. If you get overwhelmed w/ all your "goals" make a list of them, then put it in the planner. Example is below I use a whole sheet of paper for one day.
6:30 a.m.___________
7:00 a.m.___________
7:30 a.m.___________
THanks SnowRain, Any chance you can attach an example of your excel schedule? Thanks for all! These are great tips! Once I get my schedule down, I'm sure I'll be just fine! Organization is key!
447 Posts
I also keep a schedule. I have 2 children (3 and 1) and It's so much easier when you have the day mapped out. I schedule in 3 hours a day to study (not all at once) but usually i study before the kids get up, during their naps, and then again after they got to bed. It's hard for me to focus when they are up! I'll probably have to schedule in more time once I start the program, but for the past year 3 hours a day has worked. Also i work double shifts every Saturday and Sunday at a nursing home (so I can be off all week) so I dont even attempt to study on the weekends. I think organization is the key to sucess. I agree you should start now so it'll be easier later on. Good LUck!
Here is my Time Table attached. I couldn't attach it as an excel document, so I paste it on word. What I do is print it off, date it at the top, and fill it in with pencil. You can do whatever you want with it though.
Time Table Example.doc
Thank You so much SnowRain! I think I just may do that! I can print out as many as I need (and save money by not having to purchase a datebook). THANK YOU!!!