holiday pay


So wondered with the holiday coming up what are your hoilday pay set ups like.

I feel our company does quite well when it comes to our holidays. Employees who work less then 6 months get time and a half. After you work more then 6 months we get double time for our holidays. New Years Memorial Day 4th of July Labor Day Thanksgiving and Christmas. New Years Eve and Christmas Eve all employees that work are payed time and a half after 6PM.

Now if only our regular wages were as generous (sigh)

Specializes in retired LTC.

Are you a union facility? They tend to have better benefits (but not all do).

Freq, places that pay well on holidays have no problem covering the staffing spots. And if the staff can manage it, holidays are a good way to earn extra $.

Nope we are non union. Just a simple home care agency

At my hospital, if you are full time and they have you scheduled for the holiday, you get your hourly rate, plus your base rate. If you are scheduled off for the holiday, you get your base rate pay. Not sure about part timers, but I would think it is time and a half.

If you work the holiday you get double time and a half. If you don't work it, you get paid based on your status. Full timers get paid 8 hours, 3/4 timers get 6 hours, 1/2 timers get 4 hours, etc.

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.

We just get time and a half, period

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