Hillsborough Community College Fall 2011

U.S.A. Florida


Hello all HCC Fall 2011 hopefuls! I have been following the Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 threads and thought maybe it was time to start Fall 2011 now that the application process has started.

I just turned my application in this past week and received my confirmation notice in the mail. Anyone else out there that has turned in their application?

What are your plans over the next 8 months to prepare for the first semester (provided we get in)?

I pray that when you wake, we'll all have acceptance letters. :)

Okay, so I would think around noon that we'll all know if the letters are arriving today. Some of you get your mail a little before noon, but you're probably at work.

Does anyone feel like stopping by the post office this morning? I would have stopped and asked for my mail, but they weren't open yet (I have to be at work at 7:15). I think if I run by there during my planning period (9:00 A.M.), that my mail carrier might already be on his way to my house.

I would have stopped by to PO this morning but I had to take my kitty to be neutered this morning at 7 clear over on Howard. I live in PC, lol. I should have mu mail by noon!!!

Bad news guys... I went by my post office during my planning period and NOTHING... So, hopefully you all in Tampa will get yours today and the rest of us will get the letters tomorrow (I'm in Bradenton). I'm so depressed. :crying2:

Really hoping you guys hear something, so I know I'll only have another day of waiting. This is ridiculous! I talked to one of the workers at the PO and she said they're rerouted mail and closed offices, so mail is running slower... Thanks for the news flash.

Meant "they've" not "they're"

You panicked me until i remembered you live in bradenton... When i get out of class Im going to check my mail.

I still can't sleep. Even with the benadryl. I wake up every 15-20 minutes to look at the clock. I just had a dream that a choir stole my letter. I don't know what I will do if it's not there today!

This is making me crazy!!!!!

My mailman should be here within the next 2 hours...I can't even think straight.

I hate that this letter is making me so crazy... Ughhhh. I keep refreshing the site thinking someone is going to post some good news.

I hate that this letter is making me so crazy... Ughhhh. I keep refreshing the site thinking someone is going to post some good news.

I know how you feel! I had a complete meltdown last night. I just need to know either way...but hopefully it's good news!

Just had my wife check the mail.............I GOT IN!!!!!Good Luck everyone. You will be getting letters!!!!!!!!!!:D:yawn::beer::clpty:

Bad news guys... I went by my post office during my planning period and NOTHING... So, hopefully you all in Tampa will get yours today and the rest of us will get the letters tomorrow (I'm in Bradenton). I'm so depressed. :crying2:

Really hoping you guys hear something, so I know I'll only have another day of waiting. This is ridiculous! I talked to one of the workers at the PO and she said they're rerouted mail and closed offices, so mail is running slower... Thanks for the news flash.

You should have your letter by tomorrow. I hope the post office gave you the wrong information and that you get your acceptance letter when you get home.

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