Published May 4, 2015
I am applying into the palm bay 2016 program and seeing if anyone out there is in the same boat and or is currently a student in the program!! Super excited but extremely nervous.
466 Posts
So the program is majority online? Not in a class setting?
you guys do clinicals?
Isn't it harder that way?
21 Posts
It's half online. We have class one day a week. Lab every third Thursday. And the weeks you aren't in lab you have clinical.
Is all campuses like that or just Palm Bay?
i like face to face lol online sucks
The program is 2 years?
So school is only once a week and then online classes the other days?
can you work during it
Not sure about Cocoa. We just have powerpoints with voiceovers, that is what is considered online. We teach ourselves a lot. Cocoa's schedule is more involved. I work full time as a nurse tech at the hospital at night, so Palm Bay works for me. You still teach yourself with cocoa though. You still have to put in the same amount of time studying. If I'm not working, I'm studying. We all have no lives. Lol.
Lol thank you for all this info! I'm looking into cocoa
i live in south Florida I was looking to move up there and wanted to make sure I meet he requirements and I believe I do!
We will all be moving to the Melbourne campus in January. Cocoa is more early morning class time. You still have to learn a lot outside of the classroom though. It's just the way the program works.
Of course that's with any nursing program and class in general
I just don't like online
but if I have to i will
people usually do well in the nursing program?