Published May 12, 2007
129 Posts
This might be a silly question, but I was wondering if colored stethoscopes were allowed in the program. I wanted to buy mine a head of time and have it engraved, but I cant afford to buy two if colored is not allowed.
376 Posts
At my orientation the dean didn't say anything about color but importantly to buy a cheap one. Check out the thread on 'nursing students forum' for the sticky on 'what are the item(s) you need most for NS.'
441 Posts
Oh yes you deffinantly want to go cheap! I work as an MA right now. I speant $15-$20 on mine. They are easy to loose and break so you want to make sure its cheap because if its expensive you will get mad about it. :)
211 Posts
We were told at WCCCD to avoid those cheap ones, and I agree, if you can splurge and buy a Littman, (HFCC sells them) then do so, I have been a Nurse Aide for years and you can definitely hear better with a more expensive stethoscope. My hubby goes to HFCC and I got most of my nursing stuff at their bookstore.
114 Posts
I went to HFCC and the color of the stethoscope did not matter , but I would not buy an expensive one now. I would not buy a super cheap stethoscope but one around 20 -30 dollars would be fine for the amount of usage you would need in nursing school. I would save the Littman for when I actually start working.
Maybe your school is different than ours, but I used my stethoscope a lot at Clinicals. I have never lost one or broken one either, but you have to be careful about loaning any stethoscope out to a doctor or nurse, you may not see it again, careful with BP cuffs too, if you have one of your own to use at Clinicals. They can walk away as well.
248 Posts
I just had orientation for MCC last week, and the panel of current/former nursing students that spoke with us stressed avoiding cheap stethoscopes. They had a pretty good point too, that having a good steth will help us to learn and differentiate the various sounds, and keep us from wondering if we hear what we think we hear. The Littmann Cardiology III steth was mentioned as being excellent...
56 Posts
Do not buy a cheap one. Especially as a student. It can make all the difference in ausculatating blood pressures and heart rates for digoxin administration. I always tell my nursing students to buy a better stethescope.