Hesi grammar help!!!!


Hello, I took the hesi exam and failed the grammar by one point. I feel every other section I prepared well with the excelsier book yet the grammar is something I'm not seeming to grasp! Any help please!!! I retest next week and need to pass.

I don't know how you can accomplish much in one week?

If it's worth it to you, maybe you could ask at a local college or even high school and pay someone to tutor you. Libraries or adult schools might also have some ideas.

I had to laugh at HESI having a grammar exam. From personal experience with their nursing exams and the errors in the questions, they don't seem like the best judge of competency.

But, for the sake of passing, I would have to agree with PP. Some community colleges even offer free tutoring for enrolled students.

Thank you I will for sure give it a try. I have been studying for a month, that's why I have done so well on the rest of the test it was just missing that one point in the grammar section. Hopefully I can boost it up a little.

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When I took my HESI exam, I also failed by one point. I was retesting that next week and all I used to pass was the remediation notes that is given. When you sit down and take the test again, be sure to really read the question and the answers. I noticed there would be one answer that would either sound correct, or had no misuse of words. I.e. ate for eight. From taking the test, I think its mainly used to make sure you can effectively communicate. So don't stress, slow down and read the answers slowly. The correct answer will be apparent. Good luck!

I took a prep course for the Hesi and the instructor had to use SAT prep materials for the grammar because there wasn't really any materials she could use. You may want to look into that route. Pocket prep app as great too.

I found your reply to be so useful and generous.

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