HESI exam


Hi, everyone. I'am new here. I just feel overwelmed because I need to pass HESI exit exam next month and I don't know how to prepare for the exam. They say we'll have 160 questions for 4 hours. Please give me advise how to prepare for the exam. Should I just do bunch of questions or I should I read review books.

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Hi, my name is lyndsay and I am an Lpn going into the Rn program this fall. My question for you is this the Hesi-Rn examination or the Hesi-Lpn examination? I am in the same boat as you are before i am able to get into the Rn program i have to take the hesi-lpn test. But i have no idea on how to study for it -I have been studying my lpn Nclex review books but i am not sure if there are practice online questions for the hesi test, or if there are specific review books for the hesi. I have been looking, even typing it into google however they have books made by the company Hesi but nothing to do with the actual hesi examination ive also been to barnes and noble, as well as amazon but have found nothing. so if you find out or have any knowledge about how to study for this or even what we are up against hardeness wise it would be great to pass the info along!!! good luck with everything and i hope that you do do well honestly!!!

-lyndsay Lpn-

Specializes in Oncology.

Hi there! I just took a Hesi test today that had 160 questions. The one I took was the Exit RN exam so I'm not sure if that is the same one you will be taking. To prepare for it they do have a Hesi exam book that has questions and comes with a cd. I usually prefer the cd. I got mine off of amazon.com if I remember correctly. You might be able to get it at your bookstore as well or other online stores like half.com. You can also do NCLEX review questions from a Saunders book. I will say I had a a lot of maternity/postpartum questions..which I didn't remember..lol. Good luck!

Hi, msjack! Yes, I do have HESI book, but it seems to me that it is not enough to prepare for HESI. I did questions on CD, but there is not a lot of questions. They have 112 questions or so for med-serg. and that's it. How did you do on the test? They said we need to get 850 score. But it doesn't tell me anything. Like how many questions I am allowed to get wrong and stuff like that. I have so many questions so I don't know where to begin...I hope you passed!

Specializes in Oncology.
Hi, msjack! Yes, I do have HESI book, but it seems to me that it is not enough to prepare for HESI. I did questions on CD, but there is not a lot of questions. They have 112 questions for med-serg. and that's it. How did you do on the test? They said we need to get 800 score. But it doesn't tell me anything. Like how many questions I am allowed to get wrong and stuff like that. I have so many questions so I don't know where to begin...I hope you passed!

I actually did ok on the test...suprisingly. We had to get atleast a 62% (conversion score) or we would have to take it again. Luckily I got an 87% so I won't be taking it again. Honestly, I didn't study at all, but that was because I knew I would have a second chance to take it if I didn't pass. I got an 890 (87%) so the 800 probably converts to about 80% which I think you should have no problem getting. I have no idea how many questions are allowed to pass/fail. I really thought I had failed since I didn't remember anything from first year, but it turned out okay. The types of questions I got were maternity, med surg, drugs, which patient should you see first, and some dosage calculations. It is really draining since it is so many questions, but it is supposed to predict how well you will do on the NCLEX. I would just do a lot of questions from your Saunders book and hesi book. Good luck and I hope you do well!

Specializes in none at the moment.

thanks msjack I actually did find a hesi lpn book to study from on amazon im not quite sure how i didn't see it from earlier searchings. however, i do want to say thankyou again for all of your help. :)


for those who need help in finding the books

its amazon.com - textbooks (L. hand column of page) - nursing ( L. side of page)- and then scroll thru i believe its the 3rd page of searching the very first book! once you click on this it even gives you suggestions on other hesi assessment books! so good luck!!!

Specializes in Oncology.
thanks msjack I actually did find a hesi lpn book to study from on amazon im not quite sure how i didn't see it from earlier searchings. however, i do want to say thankyou again for all of your help. :)


You're very welcome! I'm glad you were able to find a book to help :).

Hi, I am a lpn student. I will take my hesi exam for the second time at the end of this month. Can somebody help me please with the hesi v2? If somebody has some tips or the remediation reach exam for pn-v2, can you please e-mail it to me thank you in advance .I am very desesperate. I took the pn-v3 and got 837, because of that i won't be graduated in april 16. Please!Please! HELP:cry::cry::cry:

Specializes in none at the moment.

Hi, I'm sorry I won't be able to help you, this is the first time I will be taking the hesi lpn test. march 11, @ 10 am. Im not really sure what to expect on it. I do know however, that if I don't pass this with a 900 or higher I will not be accepted into the Rn program at my community college and i am only allowed to take it once a year. So i know what you mean about it being crunch time. If you could help me that would be great like what was your hesi like, what type of questions, how hard or easy was it?, is a score of 900 a ridiculous goal? thanks so much!! and i hope the best for you!!


Can anyone tell me what is on the HESI EVOLVE V3 test please what to study if you remember the test? i failed v-1 and v-2 :( i need an 850 to pass. I do have some questions and answers from v-1 and v-2 due to a D&D company came in to give us a cram course basically they are affiliated with HESI Evolve company and only give so many questions and answers. So please kindly help if you have HESI Evolve V-3 Test if your remember what was on it or tell me what to study please. I also have the NCLEX PN 3000 cd that cost $833.00 on amazon will that cd be similar?

Hi. First of all, I would like to tell you to continue to pray because I too failed hesi v1 and I am about to take V2 inwhich I need all the help I can get. Their are students at my school getting ready to take v3 in a few days. If you will help me with V2 Q&A. I will ask them for info. regarding the hesi V3 test. We all need each other to pass this monster of a test. Please Help!!!!!!!! God Bless.

I am not sure who this story would be for, but I do hope it inspire all who reads it because it is my true story. As early as I could remember I have always had a dream of becoming a nurse. So I began to embark on my dream back in 2002 and started taking my pre requisits @ the community college where I am from. During this time I maintain my fulltime job, and went to school @ night and yes I am a single parent... so dont let anyone tell you, that just because you are a single parent.. you cant make it because that is a total false. So I finish all of my pre requisits and started the nursing program. I am a very spiritual person so I began to pray about whether or not I should continue to work full time and go to nursing school, because I knew nursing school was very challenging from listening to others, but I just did not no how much challenging it would really be.. So i decided to quit my full time job with the government and go to nursing school full time.. So here I go.. I started the program in fall 2005.. I had complete the entire program... 2 1/2 years of pure hell, tears, sleepless nights, tedious hours of study, living off of what ever loan money that was left after tution, robbing peter to pay paul.. just pure hell.. $18,000.. worth of debt.. and because I did not pass the exit exam Hesi.. with an 850 I was dismiss from the entire program..( oh and by the way I made a 839). Still owe student loans, no degree.. just a bunch of unpleasant memories.. Yet I knew in my heart I am a nurse.. So with much prayer and my faith in God and special friends and family.. I was able to move on... So I decided I would try it a different way.. I am here to tell you that a delay is not a denial.. So I went to an LPN program.. and guess what you had to pass the Hesi.. with an 850 at this school also.. So I prayed about it.. And God spoke to my spirit to continue my education.. so I did not let that discourage me .. I went... and guess what.. I pass that hesi with the highes score in my class.. 989... Yeah.. Thank you Jesus.. And I will began the LPN bridge @ the community college in Jan. 2011.. So I just want to encourage anyone having trouble with that Hesi.. Stay encourage.. try and stay as clam as possible because anixety play a part in unsuccessful pass rate.. and shoot for the stars.. even if you land on the moon.. A delay is not a denial.. May God bless you.. Jeanette

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