is herpez zoster(shingles) airborne or contact precaution


hi everyone.

plz tell me if herpez (shingles) is contact precaution or airborne. on internet its saying contact and someone note on infection precaution is saying airborne.

your views appriciated.



Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

If you Google "Isolation precautions for herpes zoster" and choose a reputable website (CDC or a university medical center) you will find your answer.

Specializes in Medsurg/ICU, Mental Health, Home Health.

Let me get back to you on the details, but at my hospital, we have a special set of precautions known as "Chickenpox Precautions."

In all patients with herpes zoster or chickenpox, only people who have immunity may enter the room, and localized shingles in an immunoCOMPETENT patient requires only contact precautions.

In all other cases (immunocompromise, disseminated zoster/varicella and chickenpox), airborne precautions as well as contact are necessary but no masks needed by those entering (again only people with immunity to it may enter).

I would go with the recommendations of the CDC.



thanks to all who replied.

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