Here's who Joe Biden has selected for his Cabinet


President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday introduced top members of his national security and foreign policy team --seasoned professionals, most served in deputy roles in prior administrations. Noticeable that these were introduced first,  instead of cabinet , to assure the world competence back in US government IMHO.  Karen


CNN 11-24-2020

Here's who Joe Biden has selected for his Cabinet


Biden's top national security and foreign policy team

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VP Harris swears in new Interior Secretary Deb Haaland making history as the first Native American in the US Cabinet



Interior Secretary Deb Haaland this morning celebrated her landmark elevation to a seat as the nation's first Native American Cabinet member with a symbolic swearing-in ceremony led by Vice President Kamala Harris.

The several-minute ceremony at the ornate Eisenhower Executive Office Building, next to the White House, ended with a mask-wearing Harris offering brief, but heartfelt, remarks following Haaland's line-by-line recitation of the oath.

ABC News

Tribe member Haaland now heads agency that once oppressed Native Americans


This moment is profound when we consider the fact that a former secretary of the interior once proclaimed his goal to, quote, 'civilize or exterminate' us," Haaland said. "I'm a living testament to the failure of that horrific ideology. I also stand on the shoulders of my ancestors and all the people who have sacrificed so that I can be here."

A member of the Laguna Pueblo tribe in New Mexico, Haaland has proudly displayed her heritage, wearing Native American dress at both her swearing-in as a member of Congress in 2019 and at her ceremonial swearing-in on Thursday.

Cabinet is now complete.


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