Hep B vaccine question


I need to have my Hepatitis B vaccine series completed by mid-January. I got the first shot mid-August, thinking that would be enough time... I went back today for the second shot and realized that I would be one month short (i.e. if I got the third shot mid-January, I would be getting it 5 months after the first shot... one month too soon). Would there be serious complications from getting the last injection one month too soon? I need to have the series completed before beginning clinicals. Any advice on this is appreciated!

Specializes in Cardiac Critical Care.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) states that the minimum dosing schedule for Hep B is as follows: 4 weeks between 1st injection and 2nd, 8 weeks between 2nd and 3rd, with at least 16 weeks between the 1st and 3rd. You can view this information on the vaccine specific recommendation heading under the ACIP recommendations page.

Phew!! Thanks Anaris! :yeah: I was really beginning to freak out there.

Specializes in family practice.

If you need to complete the series before clinicals i doubt that you start clinicals the first week if school. Most schools starts clinicals 3-4weeks after first day of classes which would give you time to complete your shots.

Specializes in Cardiac Critical Care.

I don't think we start clinicals right away, but we do need to hand in proof of immunizations on the first day school orientation.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
I don't think we start clinicals right away, but we do need to hand in proof of immunizations on the first day school orientation.

Call school. You can also check with your PCP. If you have the first two shots, there may be a one time exception as long as you get the third shot on schedule. This was the case in my school (especially since insurance doesn't always cover the HepB for adults and some students found out at the last minute that they made it off the waiting list. Plusm my school wanted them on the first day of class so that there was enough time to correct any omissions before clinical rotations started two months later.)

. CDC is working on catching up with the ACIP guidelines. I know that they only recently updated the pediatric vaccine recommendations/guidelines to be more in line with current research & ACIP recommendations.

Specializes in Cardiac Critical Care.

Thanks again y'all! Anaris - could you possibly post the link to that info from ACIP? I've looked all over and can't seem to find it.

I'm going to try and post the links, however, it's not my strong suit so I take no responsibility if it all goes horribly wrong:D.

The ACIP link:


Specific MMWR link indicating minimum doing schedule:


hope this helps.

Specializes in Cardiac Critical Care.

Thank you so much! Now I have a leg to stand on if challenged about this... I was sure that was the schedule but the NP who has been administering them was firm on 6 months. I actually emailed the "question line" at the Hep B foundation and they said 16 weeks from first dose to third dose and 8 week from second to third would be fine.

Thanks again for all the help, everyone!

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