Help!! 4 weeks and I've heard nothing!!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


Specializes in High Risk Antepartum, Well baby, Postpar.

I took the 8 yr- retake as I took off many years to raise my four children. I took a 4 week online Saunders course passed every quiz and test, took a CAT NCLEX type online test and it shut off at 75 and I passed. I took the CA NCLEX RN on June 16th it shut off at 75 or 76. I thought it was hard but that I must have passed because I certainly would not have tanked so badly to have it shut off so early! Well everyday I check the BON site nothing. After two weeks I called and she asked if I checked the site and I said yes, daily and was told my record was COMPLETE!! Two more weeks have passed. Today is 4 weeks to the day, I called and he said my record was complete and I should hear soon. That was it! Should I assume I actually failed because it has taken so long? Getting very despondent!:cry:

Specializes in High Risk Antepartum, Well baby, Postpar.

I received a call from CA BRN....I passed! The person responsible for 8 yr. re-takes has been out. They were really nice, apologized for my long wait( 4 weeks 1 day) and told me my license number will be on the site tomorrow am. Thanks to Karen on other thread who encouraged me to keep calling them!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Congrats, glad you now have an answer

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