Published Apr 17, 2012
11 Posts
First, I'd like to say that I thank you all for being such a "Wonderful " addition in the medical field and if no one ever tells "thank you" for all of your sacrifices you endure to care for our loves one, I'm saying it now, THANK YOU!!. I'm new and this is my dilemma. I'm a 42 y/o. who is torned between finishing my Associate Degree in Healthcare Administration on-line or attending the LPN program that I've been excepted through, which starts on May 24, 2012. I live in Northeast Louisiana and there really isn't a market here for a Medical Assistant(20yrs) and I really suffer when I come back home as far as getting work. It's been my dream to become a nurse, and now that it's here, I can't seem to move...I'm stuck. Both programs are 18 months and will done by November 2013. I have tried to weigh the pro's and con's of both fields, but I always end up coming back to the LPN. Please, I've been reading the post here for about a month and I value you guys opinion so much, Help!! Any suggestions would really make this transition easier for me, sometimes I can be very proud not wanting to ask for help, but I know when my burden get's too heavy I will put my pride aside and ask .
nurseprnRN, BSN, RN
1 Article; 5,116 Posts
just do it. pull the trigger. go to nursing school. i don't know what the job market is out there, but in many places lpns can't find work; your area may be different.
and please accept this recommendation because it's made in charity and helpfulness: while you are there, stop by the learning center and get some help with your writing. misspellings and usage errors will hinder your progress in any work setting that requires writing-- like nursing or healthcare admin.
Thank you for your input! I have decided to attend the LPN school, which starts on Monday May 21, 2012. We will start with A&P along with Practical Nursing Perspectives. I am very excited and blessed to be accepted into the program. This is the first of many steps towards my 18 month journey. Even though there may be difficult times ahead, I will graduate with Gods help.
7 Posts
Congratulations on making the decision and good luck!
Thank you! I have wanted to be nurse for a very long time, but the circumstances never permitted me to participate. Tomorrow is the first day of the A&P class and I am very excited.
Iridescent Orchid, CNA, LPN
597 Posts
Congratulations on your decision and I wish you nothing but the best! :)
13 Posts
hi, iam also attending a lpn program in louisiana that starts in august of 2012. i'm very excited and anxious! if i may ask what school are you attending! i am in south louisiana.i am attending south central la tech.i have been hearing nothing but great things about the program!congrats to you:yelclap:
I am in Northeast Louisiana and the school is NELTC. Today was my first day and I already have two test scheduled for tomorrow. Class for the Summer is from Monday through Thursday 8am - 4pm and Friday 8am - 12p. The Fall hours will be different, but I am not sure what the hours will be. I need to get back to my studies. May God Bless you! Thank you!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate the encouragement.
7,108 Posts
I was going to respond but then noticed you've already decided on the LPN program. Best wishes to you and remember to come back if you need to! Nursing school is quite an adventure! :)
1 Post
I attend a NELTC also in Northeast Louisiana. I just started my second semester today. I can tell you my first semester was a LOT of studying and it was not easy, but definately doable! I am a mom who is coming back to school after graduating 16 years ago, so this was all new for me too. Congrats! You can do it :)
It's quite the adventure! I have had 3 test in A&P and have only gone to class for 2 days now. I have studied so hard these last 2 days, until my eyes hurt. I have two B's and C, but I am going to hang in there. Thank you and may God Bless!