Published Mar 17, 2015
4 Posts
Hi everyone. I want to get into the rpn program either humber or gbc college. Although I have applied for both colleges but I didn't get any reply. I'm already worried about the admission testing since my high school transcript is horrible and I ****** up grade 12 c math with 21% (teacher made ****** up mistake as I told her I dropped the course and she put me back into the course without letting me know). Taking math again.I am also taking chemistry grade 11 u for the third time now. (the 1st time it was 43%, 69% and now midterm is 82%) I even failed eng 11 c with 43% 1st time for god's sake I don't know how. Anyways the main reason was I had been through some depression for almost 4 years. Anyways my biggest concern here is what are the chances of me getting selected for the program? Should I take the pre health? With having such transcript i'm afraid college might not even consider me. Any advice or help will be really appreciated
RyanCarolinaBoy, ADN, BSN, MSN
182 Posts
Well, not knowing your personal background or history, I can't say for certain, but I can tell you that with grades that low, you might have a hard time getting straight into any nursing program. Perhaps enroll in General education classes at your location university to bring your gpa up.
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
I would seriously consider doing a pre health program first to bring your marks up. Good luck.
joanna73, BSN, RN
4,767 Posts
The year I applied for nursing school, the average was 84 percent (2005). It is higher now. I also suggest Pre Health to improve your chances. If your grades are not averaging at least 80 percent, it's unlikely you'll be accepted.
9 Posts
I would definitely take the pre-health program. I took pre-health at Humber because my high school marks weren't that great. I got honours in it and I'm doing the university nursing program at Humber now. You have to get at least an 83% average to get into the BN from the pre-health. I'm not sure what the cut-off is for the RPN program though. Here's a link to the exact pre-health program I took at Humber if you're interested.
Health and Science | Liberal Arts and Sciences | Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
87 Posts
Give you a heads up, I got waitlisted with 88% highschool avg, 3.67 GPA post-secondary @ GBC RPN Fall. I do think it's less competitive (Not too much) for Winter intake.