Published May 31, 2017
jfox01, BSN
33 Posts
After having a pt crack my ribs at work i had to take a drug screen. Unfortunately it was positive for THC a very small amount. (30/ng/dl) i am being turned over to a program (IPN) within my hospital that treat impaired nurses. I have never had a problem and had a slip a few weeks ago.I was not accused of being impaired at any time and my boss wants me back ASAP. This program in putting me into a two year monitoring of toxicology, counseling, assessment by a physiologist , meetings, it is ridiculous. Im not saying that some people may need this program but i do not. All of this is at my expense and im off of work until the initial assessment is completed. Problem im having is after speaking with this company they will not give me any info until i am already in the contract. If i do not do this program they turn me over to BON and i lose my job. If i hire a lawyer i will lose my job but not my license. I just need to know if anyone has ever been in this situation and what they may have done. IPN sounds like for two years i will lose my life.I cannot even have a drink on my birthday because if by chance im tested ( and they do hair follicle) im non compliant. I dont have the money for a lawyer, but am also looking at large bill from IPN. Is there an amount that is not re-portable to the BON Thoughts anyone???? thanks in advance.
171 Posts
Any use of drugs, small or large is referred to Florida IPN. You said you "slipped", you are lucky if they give you 2 years. Most get 5 years contracts now. It sucks and I don't think everyone deserved IPN. This is how most states deal with any complaints regarding nurses. I know of nurses who got 2 year contract with a negative drug screen, but had appeared impaired at work.
It will go quick, most 2 year contracts can get out within 1 year if they are 100% compliant.
Good Luck
299 Posts
Sounds like the hospital is sidestepping the BON- in Oregon the BON has a policy for marijuana as it is a legal drug in this state- so if you are not impaired while practicing you will likely not be on probation. Can you consult with an attorney to see what the likely outcomes would be in your state?
379 Posts
I get what you're saying, but unfortunately no lawyer is going to be able to get you out of doing this monitoring program. You must start acting like a recovering addict and do this 2 year program, even just for pot, even if you don't feel you are an addict. The board considers a positive a positive, whether it's pot or heroin. It's not fair, but if you try fighting this you will look very bad and this can get much worse for you. I've seen people, with a more minor infraction such as yourself, try to get out of it or fighting it and end up with a suspended nursing license and/or a reprimand on their license that never goes away. Meanwhile I've seen more severe addicts who diverted and used IV dilaudid embrace the program and complete it don't even have a mark on their license (depending on the circumstance and the state). It might not be fair, but you're going to have to do it to save your license. By the way... if you don't have a problem with alcohol, then not drinking for 2 years shouldn't be THAT big of a deal.
malamud69, BSN, RN
575 Posts
Consider: "Kafka"
thanks gabby what happened was i was at a party and someone had "brownies" didnt have a clue until later. i am still thinking of hiring a lawyer. 5 years of having their finger on me is crazy. I have never been impaired or diverted. Never done drugs . I just think giving a blanket program for everyone from true addicts to my situation is not right.
thanks for your honesty and your response.
I'm sorry to keep bothering you about this but I've seen this scenario before (in my real life support group) and feel compelled to warn you again. The board is not going to believe your story about not knowing what was in the brownie, even if that is actually true. If you fight it and lose, which I'm certain you will, then you will face even harsher consequences. It isn't fair but what is even more unfair is that you are going to end up getting much harsher punishment for a little pot than others who did much worse. I wish you luck though if you are going to pursue fighting it.
1jewel, ADN
24 Posts
What's the policy number? I find it hard to believe that an RN who tests positive for THC, legal or not wouldn't be terminated and/or reported! Been there, done that.
93 Posts
As everyone else said, any kind of substance abuse is equal in the eyes of the BON. You're not the only one who would be caught up in a monitoring program without being an addict. In fact in my nurse support group of 10, only 1 meets the criteria of being an addict. The others, myself included, are in for either a single DUI or something involving pot.
It is what it is, I've spent a lot of wasted time being angry at the unfairness of this system but there's absolutely nothing you or I can do to change it. At this point, I've begun searching for other career opportunities outside of nursing as I've been put completely through the ringer through this whole thing.
Believe it or not, there are some hospitals that do have a policy where instead of reporting you they offer to monitor you themselves. It is legal and included in the nurse practice act in my state and likely others as well. It's not fair really that some people are offered this while others are fired and reported, but that's how it is and it depends on the hospital. My old hospital called it a "last chance agreement." My story is I signed it but ended up reporting myself to the board because my job didn't offer me a new job fast enough and part of the agreement was I had to apply for and obtain a different position not dealing with meds. Because I self reported to the board, I got a deal where nothing shows up on my license as long as I meet the requirements. Every state is different and mine allows this. This allowed me to get a job outside of the hospital system that I used to work for. Meanwhile, one of my support group friends was arrested, fired, and reported for doing pretty much what I did. She worked for a different hospital.
thanks for the advise and this is what im afraid of. After doing what they tell me ,paying all this money out of pocket they will still find a way to take my license?