Published May 12, 2020
1 Post
Hi all! I am a new grad who recently accepted a float pool position. I was told that my orientation would be 12 weeks, but if I wanted more time, I can take it. I will be spending 4 weeks on the same floor with a preceptor, then following a preceptor while floating. It is a small hospital with a small float pool and I was told that I would be working on medsurg units only. I still don't know if I made the right decision to accept it, I had an interview for a regular position on a medsurg floor, but did not know if I had gotten the job and I had to follow the deadline for responding to the float position. I'm honestly really nervous about it and am freaking out as to if it was a good decision to make. If anyone has any feedback, I'd really appreciate it!
5,222 Posts
Float pool is generally not ideal for a new grad. How they manage your orientation will make all the difference.
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
Float pool would not be my first choice for a new grad, but in a small hospital with a limited number of places to float to it might not be too bad.
Closed Account 12345
296 Posts
I would normally say float pool is a bad idea for a new grad, but if you're only floating within med surg units at a small hospital, it's probably manageable.
In addition to the 4 weeks in your original unit, I'd make sure you get at least 2 full weeks on each unit you'll be floating in. Speak up if you're uncomfortable or need more time. Make sure you have access to the med dispensers, supply rooms, etc. on each unit where you might float. Good luck!
451 Posts
I was a new grad that started on float pool in a small hospital. And it was great! wouldn’t change a thing
You will get all the same comments as new grads starting in ICU or er, not recommended. But there are many success story’s.