Help Needed! Bad GPA from 5 years ago. Didn't list the college on Nursing Application


Right after I graduated from H.S. my family said I had to go to college, not really ready to go back to school I took a few classes, never really went.... Long story short my GPA from that school is 1.74 (I didn't realized you could withdraw from classes). 5 years later I have been taking classes at Reynolds and have a 4.0. I figured it out that my cumulative GPA will be a 2.79, the bare minimum to be accepted. When I first applied for the program I didn't think I had to list the school, but now I am realizing that I have to, so I don't know how to tell the school about me not listing the school on my application. I don't want them to think I am try to lie to get into school... I don't know what to do, any help or suggestions would be great! I am sure that I won't get in for the Fall, but I don't want to never be considered because I didn't list the school in the first place.

I would meet with someone in the admissions office and ask what should you do, that you did not intentionally omit your prior school transcript, but you did. They may have you submit the transcript to be evaluated or tell you to take a hike. But there's nothing wrong with trying to fix a mistake. Good luck!

I too had a really bad college experience when I was eighteen. I was so nervous to meet with a counselor and show him my transcripts. I thought I would have no chance of getting into the nursing program. The counselor was so helpful, he told me that not only could I get in be use of my current grades but that I could apply for academic renewal at my old school. I applied and they took 2 semesters worth of poor grades off my record. I bet it will make you tesla lot better to meet with someone and try to fix this mistake. Good luck!!

P.S. Sorry, I was typing on my phone!

Ask you advisor if your school has a bankrupt policy. At the school I attend you can bankrupt semesters you did really bad in and it will bring up your GPA. But if you did good in one class for that semister you will not get credit for that either. I didnt know about the bankrupt policy when I went back. I worked my butt off for two years to get straight A's for my first Associates degree. The counslers/ advisors do not advertise those types of policiies I found out by talking to other students. My advisor did not even suggest it when I talked about what I could do to raise my GPA. Dont be nervous talking to the counslers thats what they are there for to help you. Ask questions and know all of your options. As for the school you didnt list, tell them that you wasn't tring to hide anything you just didnt see the importance of listing your other school.

It really depends on the school. How many hours did you complete at the first school?

Did you transfer any of the credits from the first school to the second? If not, just leave it out. Why do you "have to" list the school if you aren't transfering any of the credits from there?

The school said you have to disclose all schools, I didn't think it applied since I am not transferring any credits, but I was just trying to make myself feel better. I would rather me tell them and explain it, rather than they find out, and I get kicked out of school. I don't want to ruin my chances of possibly getting into the school later, if I can't get in now. I am going to call and make an appoitment to see a counselor at the school and start rewriting my essay! I wish I would have realized these grades were going to haunt me forever!

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