HELP Looking for Contraindications in placing NG Tubes...

Nursing Students Student Assist


I am a first year, second semester RN student in Florida and need help. I am trying to find Contraindications in placing NG Tubes. My instructors keep saying that some exist but I can not seem to find them. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.

Bleeding esophageal varices that have been banded. You need ot wait one week before being able to insert an NG tube.

Patient who frequently snorts cocaine, the nasal mucosa will be virtually destroyed, and perforation into a sinus will be impossible not to do.

Recent sinus surgery.

Recent correctional nasal bone surgery.

I am sure that there are more, but these came up to my mind right away.

Specializes in ICUs, Tele, etc..

in trauma icu before, if someone is in for maxillofacial fx, we're not allowed to put in an NGT, the fellows usually insert the OGT.

Latex allergy would be another contraindication. Other than that, I think the other posters gave you the only answers I can think of...


I work in an ICU. We don't do it for radical neck surgeries either.

Specializes in cardiac ICU.

Any suspicion of basilar skull fracture. There's a famous x-ray of a patient skull with an NG tube coiled in the base of the brain. (Yuck.)

Specializes in Emergency.

If the tube is made of latex, of which I personally havent seen one of in years.

Wont place one down on a pt who has had gastric bypass or lapband surgery.


Latex allergy would be another contraindication. Other than that, I think the other posters gave you the only answers I can think of...


I have not seen an NGT made of latex in years either.

Maxillo-facial surgery would be because of the sinus issues, and going into the frontal cavity.

thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!!

if anyone has any more i will take them also.

about the x-ray of a patient skull with an ng tube coiled in the base of the brain, does anyone know where i could find it ? thanks again...

thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!!

if anyone has any more i will take them also.

about the x-ray of a patient skull with an ng tube coiled in the base of the brain, does anyone know where i could find it ? thanks again...

i would be interested in finding it again too. i thought i had saved it, but have not been able to locate it.

I found a site a while back with more explanation of the case, but now all I see online is this link:

Specializes in Geriatrics, Transplant, Education.

I once had a pt who had to have an OGT instead of an NGT because of problems with epistaxis (nosebleeds).

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