Help!! Is Keiser University a rip-off???

U.S.A. Florida

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Hello Everyone!

I am in need of some serious help! I considering attending Keiser University for the Nursing program. I attended their Nursing session, since I have already taken all the prerequisites. At the session, I learned that they are indeed accredited by the NLNAC on a "regional" level, and I would be able to attend UCF afterwards to get my BSN if desired. The problem I am having is that Keiser does not have a favorable reputation. I've read some horrible things online about them, but not sure to what extend they're true. I would hate to attend this school and waste all this money to later find out it was a waste of time and money and no one will hire me after.

The only reason I am even looking Keiser's way is because the college I have taken all my prerequisites at has decided all of a sudden to change their program requirements, which is really unfair, but that's another topic.

I am hoping someone on here can shed some light on this school for me, or knows of someone that has attended Keiser's nursing program and can give me some advice. I would hate to throw my time and money away on an education I won't be able to put to use.

Thank you and hope to hear from someone soon! ?

exactly! I transferred back to keiser so fast, they def put their students first I can say that.

The definition of a rip off is getting something for a much higher price when you could have gotten it elsewhere. When you're paying three times the cost as another school, that's a ripoff. They are taking advantage of the fact that you can't go to the cheaper place. And if you're concerned about being placed on a wait list or having to do prerequisites, that is the same thing as not being a good enough applicant for the cheaper program. In other words, you're paying more because you're a worse applicant.

Marissascott11 said:
its more easier to get in

:o .....

Specializes in Research.
jsfarri said:
The definition of a rip off is getting something for a much higher price when you could have gotten it elsewhere. When you're paying three times the cost as another school, that's a ripoff. They are taking advantage of the fact that you can't go to the cheaper place. And if you're concerned about being placed on a wait list or having to do prerequisites, that is the same thing as not being a good enough applicant for the cheaper program. In other words, you're paying more because you're a worse applicant.

I'm paying more because I'm not as good as other applicants? My 3.7 GPA and the fact that Keiser requires the TEAS not by overall percentage but by the fact that you understood each section makes me a les than desirable applicant? The fact that you don't just send in what you look like on paper but you have to have an interview w the nursing program director as well as the dean of the program and they have to go before a board to recommend you?

The fact that I pay $4000 a semester as opposed to $1200 just means that my professors answer my emails within 24 hrs unlike he 3 week turn around I had at Valencia. It means my grades are posted every Tuesday and not once or twice throughout the semester so I'm constantly guessing about how I'm doing like at Valencia.

The fact that my professors have job satisfaction because they're not paid **** and the fact that the program is 4 semesters instead of 5. Keiser is private fully accredited by the same agencies as Valencia. UCF and Seminole.

If you want to then state your opinion. If you want to state facts then come correct. I easily could have gained acceptance into the state schools w my GPA and TEAS exam. The process was NOT easier at Keiser. The thing is about sending an application on paper you could be a task master. Doesn't make you a good nurse. I see it everyday. People graduate and work on my floor and their wide eyed because no one sat them down and gave them realistic expectations about what being a nurse is like.

You can take your insults and ignorance elsewhere [emoji38]

If getting your grades earlier is worth paying almost four times the cost for school, then I think you might need to really re-evaluate your priorities.

I don't know what schools you're talking about, but just because you've had a bad experience with one school and emails doesn't mean that translates to all other public schools. I go to a public school and get email responses within 24 hours.

If you could have gone to a public school and you chose to go to Keiser, then you are the exception to the rule. Frankly, I question your critical thinking skills if that is really the case. Again, why would you pay almost four times as much for something that gets you to the same place as a state school :unsure: ? In the end, you have to pass the NCLEX just like you would have to anywhere else, and Keiser NCLEX pass rates are usually lower than public schools. I'm sorry, but saying that answering emails faster and posting grades faster makes people better nurses than programs that have higher NCLEX pass rates is ridiculous. Again, you're the exception to the rule with your 3.7 GPA. And frankly, at my local public program, you might not get in some semesters even *with* that GPA.

Furthermore, you only took prerequisite courses at Valencia. You weren't even in their nursing program, so how can you say what the nursing professors were like? Where do you get your information as to the pay difference between public and private teachers? Are you just assuming that because you pay more they pay their teachers more? Because that doesn't really sound smart to do for a *for profit* school AKA "company."

Specializes in Research.

My employer pays for my tuition and actually referred me to the school due to the fact that they have an agreement with them. Keiser NCLEX rate is in the 90s as is Valencia Seminole and UCF. The retention rate is good as well starting with 24 and lowest graduating class at 19. They offer a free NCLEX prep (I'm sure it's included in my tuition somewhere). The people who have failed the NCLEX first try are the ones who didn't take the offered prep and opted to go take the NCLEX on their own. Keiser is again a private not for profit school. My critical thinking skills are on par because I've done my research. Paying so much does make one question what they're getting for their money.

So is it you just have it out for Keiser or are we talking about EVERY private school who offers a nursing program? University of Tampa tuition is comparable to Keiser, let's not even talk about University of Miami, Barry, even ADU and any other private schools. You have a lot of posts for other private schools to go to and insult their students, credibility, and "critical thinking skills"

I'm not saying public schools don't have good programs at all. I'm all about the bang for my buck. However I've been to both public and private aside from Valencia and Keiser and I just feel like you get what you pay for at private.

I have gone to both schools. I can tell you that it does not take 3 weeks to hear back from Valencia instructors. It is 48 hours tops. And the courses I took at Keiser ARE NOT equivalent to the courses at Valencia. I had to petition to have to my classes accepted by Valencia. So I am going to have a super fun time when I'm done with Valencias nursing program and try to apply to UCFs BSN program. And the process to get into Keiser is a whole lot easier than it is for Valencia, I know because I did both. I was going to start Keiser but changed my mind last minute because I couldn't imagine putting my family into that much debt for only my ASN. Thankfully I got into Valencias program! I am not saying Keiser is any LESS of a school, but that much money for only your associates just seems crazy to me.

Specializes in Research.

I realize not every one has tuition assistance or discounts that I get from my employer. I will say that I had to jump through more hoops for Valencia And Daytona. I did have to petition on atlas for Valencia to accept a&p 1&2 and American lit but it was fast and easy and they gave me no issues. Keiser more guides you through the process.

Keiser I got an answer a lot sooner. Despite being accepted to the other programs Keiser is the closest and works best.

My experience w Valencia hasn't been the best though I understand it wasn't nursing classes but the ones I took there was so many gaps in communication. I hated that. And hated feeling like my professor didn't care even when I'm showing that I clearly did about my grades.

Specializes in Research.

Nursing isn't an education you can half ass. You can't skate your way through and expect to be successful. It doesn't work like that. These are people's lives were talking about taking care of. Not being a cashier.

I get tuition reimbursement through Valencia and I did not get it through Keiser and I agree about it being hard work. Why do you think Valencias program is so highly regarded? It's hard as ****. Again I am not saying that Keisers is not, but you saying that Keiser is much better than Valencia is way off. Like I have said in the past Keiser students were kicked out of Orlando Health hospitals for a reason. Don't believe me? Ask your counselor. But I am sure she will make up a lie like she did with me. have you started Keisers nursing core yet? I know many people who have gone to different Keiser campuses and every last one of them regrets their decision. They don't teach you anything, their instructor turn around rate is ridiculous, and out of the 24 that start only about 10 make it to the end.

Also you should google law suits against Keiser. I really hope you make it through and get a good education, I honestly do. But I also hope you don't get screwed over by them.

Specializes in Research.

I'm not saying Keiser is superior to Valencia. I'm just saying that with private school and higher tuition I expect more because I'm paying more. I want to feel as though I'm getting my money's worth. I only spoke of my experience with Keiser which has been positive. I've heard the horror stories about Keiser from the past but from what i have experienced and seen I've had positive experience. Keiser does have a clinical with health central which is a part of Orlando health. I'm not denying that in the past there have been terrible things that have gone on. But I think Keiser is doing what they can to do better and the hardest part is repairing their reputation.

Honestly if they're that terrible then the state and national accrediting bodies should pull their license. Do you know what I mean?

Schools are supposed to be extremely transparent when it comes to nursing programs. A lot of the information is made public by the board of nursing for all of us to see. I appreciate your warning and concern. First sight of trouble I'm running in the opposite direction

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