HELP! Interview this weekend!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


SO I just got a call from Concordia Irvine and I have been selected for an interview, this weekend! I'm totally freaking out because I'm just worried I won't be prepared!

Have any of you done interviews yet? What kind of questions are asked? Have you gotten any advice related to this subject? Anything would be helpful! Thanks!

I have applied to Concordia as well and I havent heard from them yet either. I never got an interview as of yet, does anyone know if they are still doing them or have they all passed? but good luck to all.

well... i couldn't keep my hopes up anymore... just relying on my 2nd option which is Nevada State College... Concordia should at least send us notices if that's the case...

I'm not sure if they are doing interviews still. They are sending out admission notices April 1. I had my interview Feb 21 and they said they were doing another (with maybe 10 people) the beginning of March. They only interviewed like 60 total I think. They said they had a lot of trouble with turning things in late and they didn't even consider those people for interviews. I don't know much more than that sorry :( You could always email Avery if you have questions. She's super nice and helpful.

Oh, so I guess the interviews are over? I doubt they are still going on, with letters being mailed out on the 1st of April. I did email Avery and she just said thanks for your patience and that she will call me if selected for an interview. She didn't say whether or not they were over. Well, I agree that notices being sent would have been nice. I didn't even know that interviews were being done until I read this thread. Hope you get in dancergirl586.

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