HELP! Ink on school uniform

Nurses General Nursing


Hi All,

Doe anyone have any tips for getting ink out of a nursing school uniforms? I washed mine with a black gel pen and have blotched spots. I have tried carpet cleaner (turned from black to light brown), hairspray, and alcohol. I made due today with chalk of all things. I would appreciate any tips. I am willing to try anything since it will take 3 weeks to get another set of uniforms.


Arlena N

LPN Student 1st semester

Clorox Bleach pen is your friend.

Specializes in MICU for 4 years, now PICU for 3 years!.

Another thing I have found to be a miracle worker is the Spray N Wash Dual Power stuff.... I've put it on stains that I have not been able to get out with normal washing, even after they've been dried, and they have always came out! Good luck getting the ink out!

OxyClean.....the kind in a spray bottle.

I washed a gel pen with a pair of blue jeans.

The ink made some large black spots on the jeans.

I sprayed the OxyClean on the spots, let it set for awhile,

then I scraped the spot away.

Use the dull side of a kitchen case knife....that would work well.

I had to do this several times, spray it on, let it set, then scrape it.

I finally got it all out, however it did leave 2 dull looking spots.

But it is barely noticeable. I don't think anyone but myself knows it is there.

Sounds Crazy but any time I get a fresh stain on my uniform I spray it with peri wash. Works great on hard stains especially blood. But I have never tried it on old ink.

Specializes in Surgery, Ob/Gyn.

i've found that zout has worked on every stain on my whites. From pickle juice, to pen marks, to blood, to betadine. There's nothing it hasn't got out yet. Works well on stains that aren't fresh as well

thanks to all of the suggestions. I was able to get my uniform clean. I used the rit dye color remover (this did not take it all out) and the coke took out the rest. Thanks to all who responded. I am not sure if the alcohol (90%) and hairspray did not work because it was a gel pen, but I am glad to have it clean. I called the three shops in my town and a nearby city and they did not carry any tops similiar to my schoo uniform (white top with buttons for the pinafore) so these answers were right on time. Once again I see why the allnurses community is the best :loveya: !


Specializes in jack of all trades, master of none.

Fels Naptha soap.... a brown bar soap works wonders on almost any stain.

The stuff is AWESOME!!!!

Did you put the uniform in the dryer? If so, the heat from the dryer probably permanently set the stain.

Why the 3 week wait?? Can't you just go get a new uniform or is there something super duper special about the one you have ink on? If it's a patch thing, I would just take them off, like someone else posted. If you are sewing challenged with patches, a good cleaners that does alterations may be an alternative.

Specializes in Tele, Acute.

If you have a Hancock or Joanne's Fabric Shop close by they sell a product called Red Devil and there are several to choose from for ink, blood, grease, grass, etc. Good luck. It may take several applications but it does work.

Nobody on here has mentioned Borax. You just make a paste and put it right on the stain. It's colorsafe and makes your clothes brighter and smells great. I use 1/2 cup in every load of laundry.

I have had luck with hairspray with ink pens but gel ink may be different. I recently got tincture of benzoin on a new lab coat and tried everything I could think of and still had a sickly looking brown blotch. I used white fabric paint to cover it and it turned out pretty good. I will say a uniform store owner told me cascade dishwasher powder takes out just about everything so maybe try that.

Once as a new nurse, exhausted, I put every uniform I had in the washer and there was a pen and everything had ink EVERYWHERE! What a horrible discovery. From that experience I ALWAYS empty my pockets immediately after my shift. Pens, steth, badge...everything goes into my bag immediately.

I have had luck with hairspray with ink pens but gel ink may be different. I recently got tincture of benzoin on a new lab coat and tried everything I could think of and still had a sickly looking brown blotch. I used white fabric paint to cover it and it turned out pretty good. I will say a uniform store owner told me cascade dishwasher powder takes out just about everything so maybe try that.

Once as a new nurse, exhausted, I put every uniform I had in the washer and there was a pen and everything had ink EVERYWHERE! What a horrible discovery. From that experience I ALWAYS empty my pockets immediately after my shift. Pens, steth, badge...everything goes into my bag immediately.

The same thing happened to me with the pen and the uniform and the washing machine... I really was horrible!:uhoh3:

I have done this too. Why in the world white is the color of choice for STUDENTS I'll never understand... don't they know that we (of all people) will make a huge mess if given the chance:uhoh3: Oxyclean worked for me. Mine was a reg. ball point so your gel ink may be tougher.

Good Luck!

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