Help! I am looking for CNS preceptors in the Oklahoma City area


Specializes in ICU.


I am finishing my first year in the CNS program at OU and am needing to find preceptors for the upcoming years. I have a background in critical care and currently work at Baptist hospital. I am interested in staying in the hospital setting but am currently unsure of what my focus will be. I have had some limited exposure to CNSs in my unit but am interested in seeing the scope and areas which they work throughout the city. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated!



Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

The odds of you finding a CNS preceptor in the OKC area would increase if you posted an ad for one on Craigslist, the Oklahoman, or the Oklahoma City Gazette. This particular forum is not that well-trafficked. Good luck to you.

I live in Ohio and we can use any advanced practice nurse or MD as preceptor. Does your program require a CNS? My program is setting up preceptors for us, but the FNP program has to find their own. They have a hard time finding preceptors for pediatrics and OB because they are competing with Midwifes and pediatric NPs for the same spaces. We have to do a variety of clinical experiences. We can't focus on just one thing. I am doing diabetes education, wound/ostomy, palliative, bariatric, and emergency. That way when I graduate I'll be employable. Most of the CNS's in my group are critical care nurses and they are doing the flight/disaster training. They will take rotations in areas like critical care, cardiac, orthopedics, emergency, trauma and then take two extra courses in flight and disaster management.

Specializes in ICU.

Thanks for the heads up! I appreciate it!!


Specializes in ICU.


I have discovered that we do in fact need CNSs for the majority of our training. We are allowed to have up to 30 hours with a non-CNS (NP, MD or DO) but that wont go far : )

Thanks for your help and good luck to you in your studies!


I live in Ohio and we can use any advanced practice nurse or MD as preceptor. Does your program require a CNS? My program is setting up preceptors for us, but the FNP program has to find their own.... We have to do a variety of clinical experiences. We can't focus on just one thing. I am doing diabetes education, wound/ostomy, palliative, bariatric, and emergency. That way when I graduate I'll be employable. Most of the CNS's in my group are critical care nurses and they are doing the flight/disaster training. They will take rotations in areas like critical care, cardiac, orthopedics, emergency, trauma and then take two extra courses in flight and disaster management.

That makes finding preceptors more doable, if you can use any advance practice nurse or MD as preceptors. I like how your program allows you to do a variety of clinical experiences. I have not come across such a program, when I searched for CNS programs in the past. I'm interested in your university. Which one are you attending?

...I have discovered that we do in fact need CNSs for the majority of our training. We are allowed to have up to 30 hours with a non-CNS (NP, MD or DO)...

There are CNS state associations that could help you with finding CNS specifically. Have you tried googling for Oklahoma Clinical Nurse Specialists?

I am a CNS and went back for Adult-Gero NP. I would respectfully disagree that CNS clinicals can be done with someone other than a CNS. The role is very different than other APN/MD roles. Given that it is also usually misunderstood. My role as a CNS was very different than what I do as an NP. Even now I find that I really function in a blended role by my own choice. You need that CNS mentor!! It is already a very different transition from staff nurse to this role with lots of other battles along the way.

i should also clarify that I am not saying that an NP/midwife/MD isn't capable to help with clinicals. I just feel that there are enough challenges to the role and transition that by working with a CNS you can not only have insight into the role (as a purist) but you will probably gain a mentor as you enter the profession.

my two cents worth anyway...,

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Much depends on your state. I did both an adult CNS and a peds CNS and I function exactly as an NP. I have had over1200 hrs of clinical time and

Hi guys! I had a question for you! I'm about to start in the OU AG CNS program and I had some questions including ones about realistic job placement. I wanted to hear from a real student / or graduate in Oklahoma who has experienced/seen the real prospects! :-D

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