It is not as if I "want" an A and if I get a B that's ok. I MUST GET AN A! I don't discuss my grades with fellow classmates unless asked and even then will usually only say "I did ok" unless the person asking is a friend... I do not boast. Most of my instructors post grades on the board or at least tell you the breakdown of A's, B's etc.. if there are two 100's and I'm not one of them I freak out!
I graduated high school with a very high GPA and went to college right after but quit to get married, have kids and raise my baby sister. I am a returning to school adult student with 3 children, husband, blah, blah, blah. After an exam I will look up answers and I won't sleep at night because I am rethinking all the questions. Once the exams are returned I will pour over it and if I get a grade less than mid 90's I will totally beat myself up. (the whole you can do better thing) My mother did punish me as a child for having less than A's (go in your room and don't come out until the grade is up) but I am 30 years old so you think I'd be over that by now....
How do the grade obsessed people out there deal? Do you try to modify that behavior or do you just accept yourself as an obsessor and get over it? Boy some days I feel like a mental case...