Published Jan 17, 2005
72 Posts
This is my 2nd quarter back to school, and last quarter I did great, I took Algebra and Med Term, and I ended with a 4.0. I was psyched. This quarter, I am taking BIO 100 (online) and I am really starting to worry. Its about the 3rd week of class, and I don't have any assignments other than readings and 2 exams and a final, which will also be online, so I am guessing those will be open book?? The teacher has made power point presentations to correspond with the readings, which are pretty much detailed outlines. She has told us that the exams will be based primarily from the info in the power point presentations. So my dilema, NOTHING I have read has sunk in. I have read all my assigned reading for this 3 weeks, and my first exam is next week. I really couldn't tell you the difference between a proton and a nutron, or describe to you the difference between an ion and an atom, unless I was reading from my notes. Every time I read, it's like I am reading something in a foriegn language, I read it and then I have no idea what I just read! Why doesn't this sink in? People are telling me that what I need to learn in Biology 100 will set the foundation for a lot of my nursing education, and I am now freaked that maybe I am just not smart enough? For some reason I think Human Anatomy, and Human Physiology I might find a little more interest in. But I am worried that if I can't even grasp the basic principles of biology there is no way I will make it thru those classes. Any help or advice is aprreciated? Anyone else feel like this?
394 Posts
On-line courses, in my opinion, can be more difficult because you don't get the reinforcement of hearing a lecture. I force myself to take my own notes from the assigned chapters, and doing the self-tests at the end of the chapters helps some also. You are fortunate to have an instructor who it sounds like has actually put some effort into the class through the power point presentations; I have taken several on-line classes where the instructors do nothing more than write a syllabus and answer e-mail - no notes, computer graded tests, etc. I am in Biology this semester also, but have already taken Anatomy and Physiology. So far, the basic concepts are the same. Let me know if I can help you in anyway - PM me if you have any specific questions, maybe we can help each other!
243 Posts
It's too bad you're taking this class online, because it sounds like the in-person format would probably be better for you. I would suggest searching for websites that can show you animations of some of these concepts. That really helped me a lot in biology. I could read something but oftentimes it just didn't make much sense until I saw an animation of it.
You are fortunate that your exams are open book (they can't see if you're using the text or not, since you're taking the exam at home). Is there a time limit for the exams?
I'm taking an online immunology class that I'm finding pretty difficult so far. So I decided to buy another immunology book that explains things in a less "dry" way, to help me out. I'm also utilizing websites whenever possible. Anything to get a firm understanding of the material.
Anyway, if you have a specific question regarding biology, I'm sure asking here will get you some answers. I'll try and help.
22 Posts
This is a trick I used for A&P and it work quite well. Reading the material was not enough for me. I wrote note cards. If the material was really had I tried to divide it different way on different cards.
Thanks to all, for your suggestions. I am going to write out all the terms and definitions on notecards and hopefully that helps with a starting point, some sort of foundation. That has always helped me before, if I write things out myself, it's easier to remember some of it! I am not sure if the exam is timed, she hasn't given us any details so far! I am only assuming it must be open book, how could it not be if I am sitting at home in front of my computer?
I agree that certain classes for certain people should be done in a traditional classroom setting rather than online. My algebra class last quarter was online, and I did great. But this is a whole different story! I will ipdate you all on how my first exam goes! I should know by the end of next week!
105 Posts
Do u think that it was easier in bio since u took A&P first? cuz i know that some people say take bio first and others say take A&P first. This semester I am taking A&P first and just wanna make sure that I'll be ok.
Well, the Anatomy portion, I don't think makes much difference. With Physiology, however, I'm finding that a lot of the information presented in Biology is similar - just not specific to the human body. I can see how taking Biology first could be beneficial, but not necessarily crucial to success in Physiology. I'm taking them "out of sequence" and ended up with the highest grade in my Phys. class.
102 Posts
neutrons are easy to remember because they are NEUtral
protons are easy to remember because they are PRO (pro is a positive)
an ion has a charge, remember it with the word ON (being it adds ON a charge)
make flashcards and do questions in your book, rewrite the outline, and reread, highlight, rewrite, repeat. Take the flashcards with you everywhere you go!!! and study them while waiting in line somewhere or doing commercial breaks during a TV show, or while your waiting for something to cook and right before bed and right when you get, I don't know if this is true or not but my mom always said study right before you go to bed because then your brain has all night to soak it in.
Thanks everyone for all the help and hints and pointers. I picked up Biology for Dummies and the Idiots Guide to Biology from my library, and crammed like crazy the past couple days. I took my exam this afternoon and I got an 82%. It works for me! I was just praying for the C at this point. Thank you all for posting, and good luck to all of you!
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
Congrats! :)