Help with AP I & II


Hi everybody!

I'm a college student who is trying to apply to the nursing school. I only have 3 classes left. Those are AP I, II, and Microbiology. I tried last semester to take AP I, but I ended up withdrawing. English is not my first language, and I have not take a biology or anatomy class since high school (7 years ago) in my country - The Dominican Republic. I'm frustrated because I was so ready to get into Nursing School next year and now this all messed me up. I would love if you all can give me suggestion before retaking it in January.

My ideas were:

- Take a Introduction to Biology class (maybe to refresh those concepts).

- Take a Medical Terminology class too.

- Take only AP I in a semester instead of combining it with other classes.

Thank you all!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

Don't waste $$ & time on refresher courses. Just take A&PI by itself, with plenty of time for tutors and study groups.

I concur with the PP.

Specializes in MSICU.

I hadn't taken a science class in 12 years. I am now taking intro chem and a&p I. The chem class is pretty easy so I spend a lot of my focus on a&p, spending at least an extra 4 hours a week in the lab studying anatomy and another 6 outside class studying physiology. I am maintaining an A with all the extra work. That being said, I kind of wish I had retaken the intro to biology class over the summer while waiting. But I wouldn't delay any longer just to do that though. Maybe there is a late start bio intro class you could get into right now and start a&p 1 in the spring?

Taking a medical terminology class will definitely help! You could take that along with your Microbio class. A&P can be taken alone because for some people they can be very difficult classes. It'll take longer, but it'll benefit you more because you can really focus on that class.


I took these classes after a 10 year hiatus from my last biology class. I started slow by taking API by itself. I'm glad I did because it allowed me to focus only on that class. I think a "refresher course" is unnecessary. Micro can be tough and, since English is not your first language, maybe take each class by itself to give yourself time to grasp the info. Good luck!

I took AP I by itself. It's been twelve years since a science class and 10 years since I graduated college, and honestly taking AP with other classes would have been a shock to my system I think. I studied an hour every day whether I felt like I really needed to or not. AP is hard. It is a LOT of memorization! It didn't help I was in there with younger folks very familiar with using microscopes and cell structure and everything already either! :) I did well in the class, which gave me an extra boost of confidence for the rest of my prerequisites.

The most important thing is to set yourself up to succeed. A refresher biology course might help. I bought a couple books before class and read them because I didn't want to spend a whole semester on it. Good luck!

If you're a visual and auditory learner, how about using Khan academy for A&P?

I am a retired Professor that taught AP I & II for over 15 years. If you need help contact me at [email protected]. Pass this around to all that may need tutoring. I may be going back to work to teach those subjects to nursing students only. Be glad to help. I can walk you through it because I care!

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