help with anxiety issue needed


Hello.. I graduated last year with a RN degree.... taken nclex rn 4 times and have FAILED.. I am and so are all my friends that have passed thinks that my problem may be anxiety issues.. I dont know.. I am at the end here... I have read some of the posts that are from suzanne.. i have started the saunders 6 week course.. but how do i get the other tips from suzanne..?? can anyone help me??? Please

On all of my papers sent to me from the BON say NEAR PASSING never below passing.... so i continue to study study study

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

hello, desperate66 and welcome to

i moved your thread to the nclex forum for a better response.

just click on suzanne4 name and send her a private message.

good luck on the exam

Specializes in geriatric nursing.

pray and relax

You didn't post how close you have come in the past but if you are certain that it is anxiety than I don't think any kind of course is going to help. You are never going to feel confident becasuse you know it all... because you never will. If anxiety truly is the issue than you might want to put the same amount of dedication into relaxation techniques. It is harder said than done but you must put this in persepctive. Hope it helps...remember the psychological part of NCLEX is just as important as the knowledge.

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