Hello and nice to meet you.



I am a brand shiny new RN and, as the fates would have it, will be beginning my new trade as a dialysis nurse! I wanted to start a new post just to introduce myself and say hello to everyone. I also wanted to throw out a genuine "Thank You!" to the helpful members of Allnurses.com.

I may have only recently created an account but I have been haunting the boards for weeks as I used your wonderful advice as a guide through the stressful post-NCLEX job hunt. Can't tell you how many times I used interview advice to prepare and orient myself.

Thanks again to everyone!

Specializes in Nephrology.

Hiya Natanis! Welcome to the world of dialysis! Let me know if there is anything I can help you with!

Welcome to the dark side.

Mwwwahh hahah hah haaaah. :)

Specializes in Nephrology.

Hey now....not nice to scare them away! They all find out on their own sooner or later...tee hee!


Hope you love dialysis.

Don't get discouraged and keep with it, it will be worth the time spent.

Any questions will be answered on this board. They too have helped me alot.

First, thank you for replying to my thread so I didn't look like a total clown.

I have read some pretty scary stuff about dialysis. Give me the real story? What am I in for?

If it helps, I am in Virginia.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Welcome..I too am new to dialysis nursing...3 weeks in so far. I am not a new nurse, but there is SO MUCH TO LEARN! I like it thus far...Good Luck!!!

Specializes in Nephrology.


It's hard to give you the real story as every place is a little different. Feel free to ask any more specific questions and we will be more than willing to answer them.

Zora: Welcome to our world, too!

Specializes in Dialysis.

Hi Natanis! I also started out my new nursing career as a dialysis nurse back in October. What I really like is getting a chance to get to know the patients and seeing them every other day. I'm a people person and enjoy talking with them and hopefully being a bright spot during the time that they are in the clinic. I went thru 7-8 weeks of training and still have so much to learn. It seems like I learn something new every day I'm there and I love it. We are short staffed right now and I'm having to work as a PCT for the next couple of weeks, I'm trying to keep it positive and consider it another learning experience.

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

Takes at least a yr to be comfortable with dialysis, so try not to be too hard on yourself

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