Published Apr 28, 2015
1 Post
Is it just our institution? We walk on eggshells, constantly fearing the next write-up. For example, if we are late because of an accident on the highway, even if we call ahead and let them know (and everybody knows because there's only one route to get there), we receive a full page memo stating how our "behavior is not tolerated", while the supervisors can roll in late whenever they want with compete amnesty. If we get busy and forget to check a box that states how we communicated information to an inmate, instead of having our backs and bringing it to our attention to fix, we get another full page memo about or "misconduct" that is "not to be tolerated". The morale is very low, except for few who have been chosen as the favorites, who seem to get all the special privileges. The atmosphere is very punitive. None of the supervisors seem to know the policies very well, and they make up the rules as they go along. Nobody wants to stand up for themselves because if they do, they become a target and immediately are put under the microscope, with supervisors going way out of their way to find deeds of "misconduct". Our union steward is currently out on stress leave because of this very reason. They are actively trying to find reasons to terminate this person because of this person's outspokenness about how management treats the staff. The DON and the CNE are like "The Great Oz"- very cool and unapproachable unless you are one of their favorites. I have never worked under such militant and oppressive supervision. I think these people have forgotten why they became nurses, and I certainly believe that none of them have had any leadership training, nor are they very happy people. It's a shame, because we are all good nurses. I knew correctional nursing wasn't going to be warm and fuzzy, but this is ridiculous. Even custody thinks medical management is excessively heavy-handed and unfair in their practices.
188 Posts
It happens in hospitals as well
31 Posts
I could have sworn you worked with me until you got to the part about having a union steward. My facility is nearly identical to your situation, and I'm at my wits end as well. If you'd like, PM me which company your facility is affiliated with; I'm curious if it's the same parent company as I work for.
8 Posts
My experience has been positive with corrections. Write ups are not common working for CDCR. There are no rules made up as they go along lol. Policies are from Sacramento and the SRN's provide you with education or a memo from sac if policy has changed. The environment can be negative due to observing violence within inmate population.
34 Posts
Are you working at a jail or penitentiary?
14 Posts
I swear I could have written your post word for word. That is EXACTLY like what I have dealt with. My fear of constant threats of being "written up" or "terminated" have made me into a nervous wreck. I have become so paranoid, I don't know who is watching me do what, either in person or in social media. I'm even scared to write this, wondering if they will know I wrote this.
WTH is wrong with people?
You are completely right. The training is a joke. Sac develops a poorly written usually vague policy and then your trained based on your SRN 's interpretation. If I hear one more person talk about those EC stickers I'm going to poke someone's eye out.
114 Posts
Oh the TABE scores!! Gotta love the TABE score memos!! I don't think my institution is as harsh. We are considered one of the better ones to work at. Our SRN's are actually not bad either. It does get crazy at times but its all in a days work.