Heart Broken

Nursing Students General Students


Hi everyone

N.E.T. - science,reading,academic aptitude,and judgment of patients

Math Test- fraction, percentage,decimals and how to -,+,*,/ them.

I am so hurt! I took the N.E.T. and I took a required math test seperated. I took them seperated because I was told if I failed the math I could take it over and didn't have to wait 180 days to retake, you could take it any time after you are ready.

Come to find out that wasn't right. I still have to wait. I failed the math part which was not in the same package as the N.E.T. by two points:( I cried for two days:scrying: Then after about three or four more days I found out I Pass the N.E.T. with flying color. I been so depressed. I feel like i have failed. I let my self down. It wasn't even a hard test.

I wanted so badly to be in that Jan.04 class now I have to wait for June.04 class. Some of you might say that not long or just start then. But I just hate:( waiting for something I want. Plus I and dh had so many plans and what I have been telling everyone. I did so much praying, studying, praying, and studying. I feel worthless. With dh being in the USMC I may not finish in time. I don't know what to do now but cry:crying2: and worry.

The:devil: is always in the way. Maybe it's not ment to be.

I am so sorry. Hang in there. I know what you mean about not finishing in time. My DH is military too and you are certainly on a time limit to get things done before the next duty station change.

Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..
Originally posted by MOONIELOVE

The:devil: is always in the way. Maybe it's not ment to be.

Maybe the good Lord knows something that we don't. It'll be ok. {{{{{{{{MoonieLove}}}}}}}}}

The same thing kinda happened to me too, except it was with a class and I got pushed back a semester too. Even thought I was angry, I realized that not everything always goes as planned and it really worked out. I do believe that you will pass and you will be in the class and succeed :).

I know how it feels to want it so bad, but have a long wait ahead of me! The earliest that I will be in the nursing program is fall 2005!!!:o

Hugs to you for having to wait, but congrats to you for getting in!!!:kiss

Specializes in home health, LTC, assisted living.

Moonie: I can relate, I did not pass my math quiz for my clinicals so I have to sit out, it hurts, I know. You just have to work through it, and know that you will try again, and now you know what to expect. I feel for you, don't give up!

Specializes in Home Health Care.

UUUgggghhhh, that sucks! I'm so sorry. I hope your feeling better since you posted. I also have a long wait ahead of me. Like FutureNurse05, the earliest that i can begin a program is in the summer of 05'. So when you think about that, waiting only 5 more months should make you feel better. I also think God wants you to be in that class. Maybe you need to be in the June class to avoid something , or to help someone ? I always take things like that as a warning, and am gratefull when things become clear on why it was good that i was forced to wait.

Best wishes :)

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