Published Apr 15, 2005
Hi everyone.
Has anyone heard of American Mobile. The rep. has been calling me.
Can you tell me about their reputaion, pay, etc.
Thanks :)
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
They are still one of the lowest paying agencies.
75 Posts
They are still one of the lowest paying agencies.[/QUThanks for all the i said as an RT my husband and i have had good experiences with we are going to settle down for a year in the lake tahoe area so i can get a year of acute experience . Then we are off traveling again. Just my opinion , but i think everyone needs too consider what is important to them before negotiating a travel it insurance? is it good housing? is it the highest pay rate?
Thanks for all the i said as an RT my husband and i have had good experiences with we are going to settle down for a year in the lake tahoe area so i can get a year of acute experience . Then we are off traveling again. Just my opinion , but i think everyone needs too consider what is important to them before negotiating a travel it insurance? is it good housing? is it the highest pay rate?
caroladybelle, BSN, RN
5,486 Posts
I was with AMN for two years. They were not great but tolerable. My recruiter could be very annoying. Ocasionally she directed me to call facilities that were do not calls.
Around a year ago, they sent me to a perfectly wretched facility in Manhattan's lower east side. No traveler would ever renew there because it was that bad. Despite numerous complaints, they continue to send travelers there, telling them how great it is and never warning them about the conditions.
They also changed how the payroll was processed. Because of the new process, you cannot call shortly after faxing, and find out whether it went through - it takes 2-4 hours to "register"...and about 50% of the time it did not "register" This is very problematic especially to those of us on nightshift on the East coast. You fax the payroll after shift on Monday AM, you go home to sleep. You get a phone call at 1400 that it needs to be refaxed before 1700. You get out of bed, run to the nearest fax, send it, go back to sleep and have to wake in another 2 hours - it still didn't "register". I had one payroll sheet that was sent once from the facility, once from my neighbor's fax, twice from kinko's and once from a mailboxes, etc before it registered. And for 6 straight monthes, had similar difficulties with payroll.
I also caught them in a major lie in regards to my contract. And when I attempted to discuss the issue with my recruiter's supervisor....well, we aren't permitted to speak to their supervisors. So much for their concern for those of us that earn them their money.
Then I went with another fairly large company. Much better housing, much better conditions, much better pay, much nicer recruiter, and much less paperwork.
Yes, it does matter what is important to the individual traveler. And given AMN's poor record, I choose to do better.
(Suzanne, is it true that their stock has been doing very poorly? Despite them being based in a state that has a major nursing shortage and mandated ratios.)
Not sure about their stock...............
But you should not have to dicker over pay, housing, etc. You should be able to get good insurance, not have to pay for private housing, utilities, etc. all included. And it should be the best, not something that needs to be negotiated. I would never, ever work for a company where I had to do any of that. All of it is should be given the best, not letting one suffer over the other.
8 Posts
Hi everyone.Has anyone heard of American Mobile. The rep. has been calling me.Can you tell me about their reputaion, pay, etc.Thanks :) Jaycrue
RUN..............and fast
you'll only get mid 20s/hr, have to pay for private housing and bad recruiters while the rest of us get mid 30s/hr and totally FREE housing and a great rec.
76 Posts
Boy I haven't been on here in awhile. Can't believe this thread is still going. LOL. I agree that you need to individualize what is important for you, but american mobile will NEVER have pros fro everything. You are the one is out there working on holidays, weekends, understaffed, even dangerous conditions sometimes, not the company. So if you are putting yourself and your skills on the line, you should not have to fight for anything. I have been with OA for over a year, and I can say they are the best for everything. Money, benefits, rental car, housing, everything. AMN doesn't even offer long/short term disability, and the health insurance was crap when I was there. AMN makes you hate them because you have to demand everything. I don't go to any assignment without at least $34/hour or higher, and noyt just in California, I mean ANYWHERE. I have worked with OA in North and South Cali, Missouri, Illinois, and I am in New York now and I always get private completely furnished housing, rental car, and full benefits and never make under $34. Amn can't even come close, and they got on my nerves anyway.LOL
24 Posts
I sent you the info via private Message :)
hi ,what company are you taveling with?
On Assignment Healthcare staffing
moliuchick, RN
185 Posts
Could you PM me the name?
1 Post
I travelled with AMN for 2 years and I regret it. I went with them when I first became a travel rn because they were in all the magazines and seemed to be the most popular. Every time I took an assignment, if I wanted to extend the pay got decreased by 0.50 - $1.00 per hour. I am sorry but you can't tell me the facility is doing that. Once I started talking to other travelers I realized I was getting a bad deal. Now I work for a company that has FREE private housing w/ linens, cable, phone, appliances, pots and pans, rental car, and airfare all included, plus $30 - 35 / hour every contract. Sorry, AMN can't even come close to that. Plus when I working for them I didn't even know they didn't provide long or short term disability. Now I make sure any company I goes with has that. AMN is too big of a company to be so cheap. They are getting 3x's what you are and still wanna pay crappy while nurses work like dogs. LOL. Like I said before, I really wish I would have know a traveler to ask questions to before I started.
I am new to travelling and have just taken my first assignment. I was wondering what company you are with? It sounds great.
3 Posts
Who is your company? Sounds much better than mine.
27 Posts
i have worked with american mobile and will NEVER use them again. My recruiter lied to me so bad, I broke my contract. Pay rate is LOW and they make you pay for private housing and you have to bring your own linen, cookware etc.....
I am now making over double what AMH was paying and have free private housing, travel pay and rental car.