Hi all!
I am cureently having a health dilemma that is causing my husband and I to have to reevaluate our plan. I applied to start clinicals for a bachelors program this coming January. It will be 2 1/2 years to completion. We decided to put off kids until graduation (I quit a previous job to go back to school for this). The issue is we found out I have severe cervical dysplasia. I have had 1 procedure already (LEEP) and when the results came back she wasn't happy. I'm about to do a second procedure (cold knife) and once I heal from that she wants us to knock kids out so she can do a hysterectomy as soon as possible. We want 2 kids. The idea of this all getting pushed at once is intimidating. Has anyone had children/been pregnant during school? I'm scared to wait for kids, as things may progress in a negative way and may lose my chance at children. Should I push back school? Is this all possible at once?