head to toe physical assessment


In my phy. assessment class, next week we are to do a head to toe assessment on our lab partner. Does anyone have suggestion on how to be very organized on doing this assessment or do you know of a good website on the subject?

Thank you.

Head to toe pretty much ssums up the organizational skills you will need. Also remember auscultation before palpation

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

hello, carla08 and welcome to allnurses.com

try these links:

http://connection.lww.com/products/bickley/headtotoe.asp this is the best one for adult assessment


glad to have you with us. enjoy the site.

I've found that it's easier for me to remember if I'll chart in the same order that I assessed....then everything that I assessed is in an "order" of sorts.

Oh yeah, and don't forget the Psychosical assessment (alert and oriented, aware of surroundings, need for support, etc)

Good Luck!


Specializes in Med/Surg; Critical Care/ ED.

Also, be sure to DO a head to toe assessment. I say that because I can't tell you how many times I've had patients say to me "You did more than anyone else has" and that's when I've just done a basic assessment! This has been in three different hospitals as well. It makes me wonder what other nurses are doing, not to mention how they can possibly be charting full assessments. Hey, maybe I'm working too hard!!:lol2:

Very nice .. helps you keep things on track. Some pts will give you unnecessary detail and this alows you to keep things moving and go back to things that are worthy of a bit more discussion later. Excellent resource; blows our admission assessment sheets out of the water-

Specializes in nursing home.

I need to do a PA minus health history & vitals (tested seperately) in 45 minutes or less! Can anyone help with that? I've watched several videos and they all take over an hour!

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