and felt like you were getting interrogated.
Ugh it happened to me today.
I had a horrible day...I had the worse of the unit patients. That always happens to contigent nurses that don't always work their and nurses "pulled" to this unit. I ran my little tush for 12 hours...I felt my head spinning by the end of the day. I wanted to give a nice quick report but it ended up being an interrogation. And I really don't think she believed a thing I said. She kept repeating everything to me...almost exactly as I stated it.
She asked a lot of very pertinent questions but some were very nit picky. What I hate is when you're trying to GIVE report...but it ends up being more they question and you must answer....and answer the way they'd like. They say, "what's the vital signs?" "what's the WBC?" "what's the lung sounds?" Let me tell what I have to say...a few interruptions are cool for clarification--but let me GIVE report.
What's so funny is the nurses from the "other" units I work on....KNOW what patients I have on that floor...because everybody always gets "pulled" there and you know who the "pulled"/contigent nurse will get.
Biggest pet peeve...a nurse that doesn't allow you to leave a thing to be done on the following shift.
E.G. When I started out in nursing .... year's ago...I had a post-angioplasty patient in an irregular rhythm. I think it was atrial fibrillation. The gentleman converted during the night into a controlled S.T. (low 100's) early in the evening around 1 A.M.
The patient was NPO for cardioversion in the A.M. The day nurse was appalled I didn't have the room ready for cardioversion--she said you know the Dr. arrives promptly at 7 or 8 A.M. for the cardioversion and everything must be ready. I repeated myself..."he converted...NO MORE ATRIAL FIB" She was upset and had me set up the room incase the patient converted into a-fib in the next 1/2 hour.
Okay I was the BIGGEST GUMP--I actually stayed and set up the room...I received overtime--but looking back I was an idiot. I stand up for myself now--
I could go on--and on about my horrible no good very bad day but complaining isn't constructive--unless it's to the right people. And yes I did talk to the manager regarding my concerns of acuity and a few other things. (how I hate working on that floor)