Has anyone recently taken the exam?


My concern is has anyone recently taken the exam and tried the pearson vue trick and for those who did not pass was directed straight to the cc screen and the ones who have passed got the good pop up. the pearson website has gone through maintainence recently and changed the old pop up to "the candidate has previously passed this exam..." i wonder if they say that to everyone either u pass or fail. The word "passed" can mean many things but mostly either the candidate PASSED the exam or it can also mean they recently have submitted/ "passed" this exam to the state board. Just curious coz i read one comment who has the "good pop-up" and still waiting for his name to be on the BON website. He or she has taken his/her test on Nov 1 and still waiting for his/her result. Will anyone speak up? Not to offend those who took the exam and did not pass. I just want to compare so people will know if the whole cc screen still exist...thanks!

I took mine on nov 3 and the "good" pop up appeared. So hopefully by monday or tuesday my name will be up on the website!

i took the nclex on nov 3 (thurs), got the good pop up and my license # was posted on a saturday (believe it or not!). i'm in florida.

They changed the message but it still works the same. I took it 11/1, got the NEW good pop us 11/1, name on state board site 11/4, name on Nursys 11/7.

I took mine on nov 3. Got the good pop up. Still waiting for my result. Im from california and its taking forever to post the result on their website. I hope soon coz im dying to know badly!

I took my nclex rn on september 22, got the credit card screen and I really did fail. I re-took it yesterday and got the "good pop up" saying that I had previously passed, I hope its true but I think it is. I will find out tomorrow!

I took my nclex rn on september 22, got the credit card screen and I really did fail. I re-took it yesterday and got the "good pop up" saying that I had previously passed, I hope its true but I think it is. I will find out tomorrow!

I wish the best of luck for the both of us and the rest of the people who are dying to find out their results. CA-BON are taking forever to update their website. Let me know if u have passed. :)

Just updating you, I passed! Pearson view trick is true!!

mine didnt say previously passed, it says our records indicate that you have recently scheduled this exam. Please contact your member board for further asssitance. andother registration can not be made at the time..

does that mean i passed

took it this am and am sick with worry...it shut off at 85 or 86

any help is appreciated

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