Published Feb 9, 2007
32 Posts
Elow! I'm an RN from the Philippines trying to look for a job in the US. I already passed my IELTS and NCLEX exam. I submitted my resume thru emails to agencies based in the US. I also tried submitting it to a hospital directly but i'm not sure if they're willing to sponsor nurses from here. Anyway, a friend gave me the email add of Alda Staffing. After a week, an American called me and asked about my current job. Currently, i'll be starting to work as a part-time Clinical Instructor here but i do have plans of going back in the hospital during my extra days. Alda Staffing told me that i should be currently working in a hospital. Is that true? An interested client from California will be calling me for final interview over the weekend. Does anyone of you know about the possible questions they'll be asking? The regular rate is 28/hour, is that good? That's the highest rate i got so far, from the agencies i applied. Your responses will be greatly appreciated. If you know of anyone under Alda Staffing, please inform me as well. Thank you!!!
50 Posts
Hello i have not heard of Alda agency. 28/hour is good already as a starting salary.Eventually it will increase.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
check out the international forum, always be a bit wary of agencies
kenny b
161 Posts
Which part of California? I only ask because it is relevant to your question about the rate of pay. In some places 28 is good. In others the high cost of living might make it seem like somewhat less.
10 Posts
hello.. alda staffing also called me.. though I'm not sure if they're good.. do you guys know what they're offering and any horror stories about them?
better check out the international forum. Also with retrogression in progress be prepared for a long wait. Plenty of info in the International forum and agency does differ slightly when a foreign nurse
thank you fo your reply silverdragon! ..but what can u say about alda technologies in particular? do you have any feedback about them? or have you heard about anything bad like not fulfilling their promises in the contract? because i've heard some agencies still get away with letting the nurse sign a new contract with less attractive terms as soon as they set foot in the US..
7 Posts
hello..i also got an interview fr alda and received an it a good agency????
4 Posts
Did you pursue your application with Aldatech?Kindly share your experience about it. I had my interview with them and they forwarded forms (ETA,U.S. Labor form,Employment Agreement) to fill out and need to send back with my signature on them..Please give me an advise.Thanks.
Hi yeiah,
Did you pursue your application with Aldatech?Kindly share your experience about it. I had my interview with them and they forwarded forms (ETA,U.S. Labor form,Employment Agreement) to fill out and need to send back with my signature on them..Please give me insights..Thanks.
kathrina Kate kho,RN
1 Post
just want to knw if aldatech is good or is legal got a call from them
10 Articles; 19,045 Posts
moved to philippine nursing forum
concerns i see from their website:
a. they are a maritime staffing outfit + nursing staffing company ...2 totally different businesses.
b. news section not updated since start in 2007 flag to me
c. no owner nor even staff listed on website---never a good thing ---just who are you sending info to???
d. phone number on reverse search comes up as land line to unpublished address
not type of company i would want to send my personal info to.