Published Oct 16, 2014
10 Posts
Hi guys,
Am currently doing my pre requisites for nursing. This semester has been the hardest, am doing Microbiology lab and the lecture, and A&P 1 lab. Honestly am struggling in these classes, which is like foriegn to me, am a good student but dont know whats going on. I really want to become a nurse because I know as a nurse I will do well. Any advise would help please.
914 Posts
Well you haven't given us much information here. What are you having a hard time with? Do you have a study group? Have you talked to the teachers and asked for help? Have you gone to a tutor?
It's great that you want to be a nurse, but sometimes just because you want something doesn't mean it will be a good fit for you. These science classes are hard, and they only get harder. I'm not trying to discourage you, just trying to give you a realistic picture of what's to come.
Hopefully you can talk with your teachers and get a study group going and things will turn around. Good luck!
Am having a hard time with my microbiology classes. I signed up for tutoring too so hopefully that will help. I also understand what your saying about not being a fit for me. I believe it is, I just have to work harder nothing comes easily. Ive never been great at taking tests but put me in the hospital with a little traning and i do great. Am just going to work harder to get to that point. Thanks for your input though I truly apreciate it.
What I was asking was what part of micro aren't you getting? The whole thing? The labs? The tests? I'm glad you're trying. Get a tutor and study group and most importantly talk to your teacher!
NurseGirl525, ASN, RN
3,663 Posts
What I am about to say is going to sound harsh but it is reality. If I had a nickel for every person who came into this forum saying it's my dream, I know I will be a good nurse but school is too hard for me, i could not go to nursing school at all, I would be rich.
You have to do well in these classes to get accepted to nursing school. You have to pass nursing school in order to sit for the NCLEX. You can't be trained on the job to be a RN. You need a foundation on this stuff and to learn how to think like a nurse. I feel like you are missing the entire point of school. Nursing is a profession, not a job. There is a difference. Micro and A&P are honestly nothing compared to Med/Surg. So decide now if you can tackle the work or not. It doesn't get easier.
14 Posts
And this is why I keep hearing OVER and OVER do not work full time while in nursing school! :) It has to consume your life. You are taking someone's life in your hands so you need to know this stuff inside out. And yes it only gets harder after the pre-reqs. I know this is all meant to kick you butt to weed out the ones that cant handle it prior to clinical and prior to be handed your own patient.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
And this is why I keep hearing OVER and OVER do not work full time while in nursing school! :) It has to consume your life.
Nursing school does not necessarily have to consume anyone's life. The figureheads who run nursing programs suggest that students avoid working full-time while in school, but this advice is not based in the reality in which many of us live.
You are taking someone's life in your hands so you need to know this stuff inside out.
1 Article; 942 Posts
What Heathermaizey said. You cannot possibly be a nurse without understanding A&P and Microbiology. It is the foundation upon which nursing school and nursing career is based on. I think you have to figure out what and WHY you are not understanding things. Do you study according to your learning style? Do you read before class? Do you use resources outside of the text book? How much time do you dedicate to studying. The answers to these questions will become even more important if you do eventually get into the nursing program. I for example read and take thorough notes BEFORE I even go to class, I google images, YouTube videos, use the online access that came with my textbook with quizzes, games, diagrams, videos, etc. I ensure that I dont just read but UNDERSTAND the content. I fell behind on my reading last week and boy oh boy did I feel lost in lecture. If that is what most people feel like all the time I pity thee. Spending this weekend playing catch up because I do not want to nor can I afford to feel like that again. Good luck