Guilford Tech Fall 2012 Nursing Program

U.S.A. North Carolina


New to but, I just applied for Nursing School at GTCC and I am so anxious to find out what points are getting accepted! Just wondering how many have applied and what their point range was? That Tea's V was a butt Kicker for me! So anxious to get a letter!

OK ladies got my letter to DCCC!!!!! I am already at that school, so I turned in my paper to accept my seat. Gtcc will have at least one opening now. Good luck to all but please keep in touch my Facebook is Olivia Davis Bailey.

woo hoo! 13 more to go!

Yay!!!! :) Thank you for posting! Just need 5 more lol. Congrats and good luck at DCCC!

Congrats, Olivia!! I will send you a friend request in FB. Keep in touch, and best of luck to you in your studies. :nurse:

Specializes in homecare/LTC.

do anybody know what was the total max points for the program?


MzShay, I'm not sure what the max points for our (2014) class individually but in general the max is 66-80 I believe... 66 is with the main classes that are the bulk of the points and the rest are the extra stuff. Give or take a point. I'm not absolutely positive but you can look onto Guilford Technical Community College and check out the nursing packet there. We won't find out who had the most points until Orientation or the first day of class. Did you apply for Fall of 2012?

Specializes in homecare/LTC.

yes but I wasn't accepted....i dont understand y.....but it's okay i was waitlisted into another and still waiting on one more crossing my fingers with those 2.....and i checked the website first but it didn't mentioned anything about the min/max points ....

but thanks

mzshay, how many points did you have?

Specializes in homecare/LTC.

i had 45 pts...and was it out of 100? the highest a person can get....

I don't think there is a maximum amount of points you can have. The highest I have heard is between 70 and 80, I haven't heard of anyone with 100. I don't think 100 is possible. That is strange you did not get in because I know they accepted people with 42 points. You also had to pass the Teas with a 66 or above, maybe that's why? I know I had 39 points and recieved alternate letter #6.

I just got accepted in!! Yayyy!!!! I'm so excited to be starting with you guys!!!!

congrats!!! I was hoping they'd be working their way down the alternate list *fingers crossed*

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