Gtc nursing 2016

Nursing Students School Programs



My name is Kimberly, and I am applying for the nursing program at Gwinnett Tech (Fall 2016). I wanted to start a thread to share the nerve racking process with. It is so scary! Also, how's everyone feeling about their Kaplan and GPA? I am extremely nervous about my Kaplan score.

Did you turn your app in by the deadline? If so, you can check the banner website because it will show Nursing as your major. I checked mine and it shows Nursing and verified with Saadia that I was accepted. I'm soooo excited. Best of luck to you

I checked with her and she said my score was too low. Congratulations.

I checked with her and she said my score was too low. Congratulations.

I'm sorry to hear that. Don't give up just try harder next time. Kaplan questions don't change so if you have good memory you can easily bring your score up.

Talked to ms. Jackson today. My GPA too low for Fall cohort but, we formulated a plan and she encouraged me to apply next year. Two students made the cutoff with the same GPA as me but, with slightly higher Kaplan scores. Im going to improve both to do what i need to do. Congratulations to all future GTC nurses. My classmates were stiff competition so I can't be mad at that!

Talked to ms. Jackson today. My GPA too low for Fall cohort but, we formulated a plan and she encouraged me to apply next year. Two students made the cutoff with the same GPA as me but, with slightly higher Kaplan scores. Im going to improve both to do what i need to do. Congratulations to all future GTC nurses. My classmates were stiff competition so I can't be mad at that!

You can do it. Stick to the plan, stay focused, and work hard. This time next year, you will receive your acceptance letter. Good luck and best wishes

Hey, Im back! I just took my Kaplan for the third time ever. First October 2015 not a score i could apply with, 2nd attempt 80. Didn't get in

Well today I got a 89 so my 8month semi depressed state is over lol!! Glad to be back

Let's start talking GTC ADN fall 2017

Hey there!! I applied last year as well and did not get in. My Kaplan score was too low at that time. I have retaken the test and got a 91! I'm hoping this will get me in! I turned in my application today!

That is awesome Kimzie! I have friends taking it Dec 8th. I've never heard of a score so high. We got this girl!

Yes we do!! This is going to be our year! Your score is great, as well! Now the hard part is waiting til Feb to know for sure lol


How did you study for the Reading and writing?

Hello, What was your GPA when you first applied if you don't mind me asking?

I don't mind, I have a 4.0. I studied the TEAS nursing exam book to refresh my grammar and reading skills. It seemed to help in those areas and I studied my A&P 2 notes for the science portion.

Thank you! You had a 4.0 when you first applied and didn't get in?

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