Group one -black list for nurses in dallas

U.S.A. Texas


Has anyone out there been reported as not rehireable? The Chapter One list in the Dallas area is a list of nurses who has been fired and not recommended for rehire. You are not supposed to be reported if you resign and you are supposed to notified if you are placed on the list. Neither of the two are true. I am wanting to know if anybody has fought it and been able to get your name removed from the list. Also does anyone know how long your name stays on the list? I do have a phone # I plan to call next week and hopefully get a few answers. I will let you know if I get anywhere. Please let me know if you can help. :confused:

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
Is there truly a Chapter One list and how do I find out if my name is on this list? Thank you.

They're called Group One. Read the quote below:

For anyone needing their report you must contact them in writing, provide your address, phone, full date of birth, social security number, sign and print your name. The address is Group One Services: 250 Decker Drive, Irving, TX 75062. 800-683-0255.

Yes a lot of commentary has collected over the years and still nothing has changed. Texas is well known by Travel Agency's for it's Group One. When I contacted the Texas Board of Nursing, there comment was 'We regulate nurses to protect the public, only'. The Texas Nurses Association was just as useless. They told me the organization was perfectly legal and there was nothing they could or should do about it. The truly scary part of this is (especially with the unprofessional behavior of HCA) ANY flavor of the week, middle manager can get you on this list if you happen to **** them off. AllNurses has a lot of good stuff from a number of nurses scattered about their site. There are people with 20 -30yrs of experience that can not get a job because they rubbed someone the wrong way. I am certain there are some medical staff that have earned a place on the list but it seems many have not. I read last year on a travel agency site that Group One was expanding to Oklahoma and surrounding states. Follow the money. I attempted to contact two dozen lawyers in the DFW area and no one is interested. No upfront money in it. Nurses are generally considered 'disposable goods' in the medical industry. And yes, there is no shortage of nurses. There is only a shortage of experienced nurses.

I would be interested in what you receive when you ask for your report. I got a collection of 6 pages, with random dates and places I worked years ago. It was nothing an employer could actually use. They sent me some paper, it seems, just to say they complied with the law. I gave up trying to contact them. You get the run-a-round on the phone.

QUESTION? How many Group One victims would be interested in a website dedicated to outing this organization? I program and can put up a site for $100, which I would do gladly if I thought enough people would use it.

Specializes in Psychiatric, Home Health, Geriatrics.
QUESTION? How many Group One victims would be interested in a website dedicated to outing this organization? I program and can put up a site for $100, which I would do gladly if I thought enough people would use it.

Although I'm not a Group One victim that I know of, count me in. Feel free to email me at [email protected]


Wow. You are a nurse I presume? Aren't you supposed to be open minded, non judgmental of the human condition? If not how is it that you are a nurse?

So it's okay with YOU that after years of nursing school it's okay that an educated nurse resort to working at Burger King because of either a mistake that was made or a result of a vengeful supervisor? Help me to understand your view on the justification of that statement.

The real issues here is the result of the blacklist, and the list itself. The list itself may be unconstitutional in that it denies the individual due process.

If the users of the list have adopted a policy not to hire anyone on the list, then the list poses a threat to the future employment of the person on it. So although the list may only be libel or slander, the result is much greater than that.

Excerpt from The Fifth Amendment: nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

This list being detrimental to those appearing on it violate the most basic right of due process (unconstitutional). First the person doesn't know of the existence of the list. Second, they don't know they are placed on it. Third, they aren't given the opportunity to dispute the information on the list. There is a fundamental flaw resulting in the denial of due process.

Anyone else have a take on this?


Holy cow, this is incredible. What is our country coming to? I thought we where done with this nonsense after the McCarthy communist black lists from the 50s. There are all sorts of evil that can be done by anyone with the ability to place a name on that list. How can this be legal? I truly think that our rights are being eroded. The BON should be active in these matters not some random organization.

I wish I could say that. I was a patient in a NYC Hospital the night of November 7, 2012 and immediately after I was put into the step down unit after I just had a serious spine surgery they left me without pain meds until 8AM in the morning. I was in so much pain I wanted to kill myself. How can even if the doctor and his fellowe forgot to write a script which they admitted you mean to tell me that no one in that hospital could fina a doctor to administer pain medication for me. I suffer from post tramatic stress disorder because of this. AND I HAVE SERIOUS NIGHTMARES STILL TODAY.

I asked the doctor why this happened and he said "just go on with your life". Tell me if this makes a black list.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
I wish I could say that. I was a patient in a NYC Hospital the night of November 7, 2012 and immediately after I was put into the step down unit after I just had a serious spine surgery they left me without pain meds until 8AM in the morning. I was in so much pain I wanted to kill myself. How can even if the doctor and his fellowe forgot to write a script which they admitted you mean to tell me that no one in that hospital could fina a doctor to administer pain medication for me. I suffer from post tramatic stress disorder because of this. AND I HAVE SERIOUS NIGHTMARES STILL TODAY.

I asked the doctor why this happened and he said "just go on with your life". Tell me if this makes a black list.

This is a thread about a specific HR group SPECIFIC TO Texas that hospitals use for background checks....this group is notorious for it's unethical practices/unfair practices....maligning good nurses characters for petty reasons.

I am sorry you experienced this.....please stick to topic.

I wish you healing

The hard truth of the matter is - Texas is strictly Right to Work state. What does this mean? This means an employer can fire you for any reason or for no reason at all. If your state is primarily Republican chances are you are working in a Right to Work state. In some situations you even utter the word 'Union" and you're out the door. You are correct in assuming employees have no rights. They don't. I would be interested in knowing what any or all legal measures can be taken against Group One. Yep - Welcome to Texas - YeeHa!

Group Ones number is 800-683-0255 however, im still awaiting their phone call. I called several times and could not get a real person past the switch board but i finally left a message. Face it we live in Texas where there are few laws to protect employees and you could be fired for a bad hair day. I do have a friend who called Group One and they sent her a print out of why she was on the list. Basically all that has to happen is someone complain about you. Her crime was being a patient advocate.

OMG they called and I'm on the list. I've been an RN for 22 years never having a problem. Group One's web page is and there you can get the form to fax to them to request a written reason why you are on the list.

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