Green Card Processing

World International


Hi all,

I came to US on student visa for MSN. I finished it and now working as an RN. my employer already started GC processing. Now we are waiting for I-140 approval. So I am planning to get married soon and proposed person is here on H1B visa.But he is not yet started processing his GC. So my question is if we are getting married can I add him to my application so we will get it together?...When I can apply for him..with I-140 or 1-485. Please provide a detailed answer.

Thanks in Advance


Much of the literature out there states that those that have obtained the Master's in the US actually have an easier time of getting the EB-2 visa. Or foreign equivalent. A generic Master's obtained out of the US will not meet the requirements in most cases for the EB-2 visa and this is the point that I was making as most are not considered the same as the US MSN.

This is even more so with the MSN as most jobs that require the MSN actually require the Advanced Practice or CNS certification as well as a job that requires the MSN for direct entry.

That is the only point that I was trying to make. And then we can add in the fact that most of the employers in the IT sector will not start the green card processing right away for the employee as the nursing employers will in most cases as well.

Specializes in CTICU.

I assumed you meant masters degrees in any field, since you specifically mentioned the husband who works in IT (not MSN).

What literature are you referring to about US masters degrees leading to an easier time getting EB2?


I have questions~

my friend came here as an international student visa and she''s doing the OPT at the hospital right now. She was worrying that her OPT will end very soon and her applied green card didn't came out yet. She told me she applied for GC through the hospital (sponsored i guess?). Is it even possiable for OPT students to get GC?

How long does it take for OPT student to get it? Will it come out faster if the hospital has sponsored?

Thank you~

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

I have questions~

my friend came here as an international student visa and she''s doing the OPT at the hospital right now. She was worrying that her OPT will end very soon and her applied green card didn't came out yet. She told me she applied for GC through the hospital (sponsored i guess?). Is it even possiable for OPT students to get GC?

How long does it take for OPT student to get it? Will it come out faster if the hospital has sponsored?

Thank you~


When did your friend file for GC and did she file during the small window in July 07 and was able to file I485? If the answers are no then unless she maintains student status she can not stay in the US and work. She will be affected by retrogression and things do not move quicker if already in the US.

If your friend is currrently under the OPT, then there was no way that they were able to submit the I-485 at the same time as the I-140. Therefore, they are going to be waiting years to get the green card, it is not going to be happening anytime soon. Actually do not expect anything for at least five years since there were more than 800,000 petitions submitted during the open window in June/July of 2007.

Having an employer submit the I-140 to begin the green card processing will not do anything to permit her to remain in the US if she does not continue on as a full-time student. Once the OPT is completed, there is also no way for her to continue to work for the facility as well.

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